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The Potentials and Impacts of Plant-based Meat Alternatives

Insight from researchers in Italy and The Netherlands may assist in the transition of diets from conventional to plant based, according to a release. The study showed potential opportunities and challenges as well as current research gaps in production and consumption of plant-based meat alternative (PBMA) products.

Recently, PBMAs have launched globally. As they have been developed, PBMAs have received attention on how they can be utilized to reduce meat consumption. The reduction of meat consumption has the potential to alleviate negative impacts on the environment, while improving human and animal welfare. PBMAs allow for the consumer barrier to be broken to take the first steps towards a decreased meat consumption. As PBMAs are developed, new technology and ingredients can be created and utilized, especially to attract non-vegetarian consumers.

The formulations behind PBMAs are highly complex and require innovative technology. Currently, a pressing issue is not having the food crumble, but still preserving the original shape. Since their ingredient list is also unique to recreate the sensory properties of meat, the nutritional values are vastly different from actual meat. This means PBMAs cannot be considered a nutritional replacement and in some countries, the labeling of PBMAs is also an issue.

The study recommended the continuation of research on sensory appeal to determine if this is a potential barrier as PBMAs continue to be modified and developed. Research should also continue regarding the nutritional benefits of new plant-based meat products on the market to uncover the impact on human health when they are substituted.

Educational programs to improve knowledge and awareness around nutrition and PBMAs was found to be important for consumer relations. Labeling will also be crucial for future products. In the past, vegan labeling was found to negatively impact consumers’ perceptions, specifically regarding buying plant-based meatballs.

More details can be found in Nutrients.