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Roddy McNinch

Roddy is the VP of Sales & Marketing and thrives on educating growers on the vital role data plays in driving sound agronomic decisions. Roddy grew up on a mixed grain operation in Mervin, Saskatchewan; worked in the research division of Bayer Crop Science (focusing on parental seed production); and spent several years advising growers as a sales representative and manager for multiple ag retailers. As a member of the Taurus team, Roddy draws on this diverse experience when educating growers and retailers on agronomic strategies designed to take crops to the next level. Growers appreciate Roddy’s ability to explain complex subjects in a clear and concise way that is relevant to their farming operations.

In the realm of agriculture the terms fertility and nutrient mobility hold the keys to...

Increase crop yields with calcium Learn how to use calcium to maximize your acreage and...
Harness nitrogen inhibitors to combat nitrogen volatilization denitrification for agricultural efficiency sustainability in Canada Learn...