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Fusarium-Defying Durum and Soybean Problem-Solvers: Watch our New Webinar

Did you miss this week’s Retail Roundtable webinar? No worries! Watch it now and find out why SeCan’s 2023 new varieties are making waves in the farming world.

SeCan staff work with a lot of seed varieties each season, but for 2023 they’ve personally selected their favourites — the ones that stand out for them. In this webinar, you’ll find out why these varieties are winners and how these “staff picks” are part of a unique marketing campaign that required western business manager Todd Hyra to become a t-shirt designer!
We learned quite a few things on our webinar, including:

  • Why malting barley varieties CDC Fraser and CDC Churchill are rapidly rising in popularity among maltster and brewers
  • How AAC Starbuck VB could be a possible replacement for AAC Brandon on the eastern Prairies
  • Why the Variety Use Agreement (VUA) is being used on the barley variety Esma to bolster plant breeding investment and innovation

In our final webinar of 2022, we have a fun chat about how SeCan shook up its marketing campaign with the 2023 planting season in mind.