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What Should you Expect from your Website in 2023?

Seed World CREATE,
Seed World Group

Laura graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2018 where she attained a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Asper School of Business. Majoring in marketing, Laura applies innovative thinking and creative solutions to the projects she manages. As a competitive curling athlete, Laura is no stranger to bringing a hard work ethic, strategic analysis, and teamwork to Seed World Group.

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Your website is the most essential part of your online presence. It is your company’s book cover, and no matter how much you stress about it, people always judge a book by its cover. The same goes for your website: first impressions are always the ones that matter.

A strong website will act as the backbone of your digital presence. If it’s not stellar, all other digital initiatives (social media, podcasts, videos, email campaigns, etc.) have nowhere to drive potential customers to. So what should you expect from your website in 2023? Are you setting yourself up for success? This is what your website should be doing for your business to grow:

  • User-centric. If your site is designed with your user in mind, it will make it easier to attract new and returning visitors, and help convert those visitors into leads. A user-friendly site that shows you understand your customer and their needs can go a long way to building trust.
  • A powerful website should drive traffic to your keywords and content. A site with optimized SEO and landing pages will have the ability to generate more traffic from search engines and social media, which will give you more page views.

3) Position you as an expert. People searching for your product or service are looking for answers, and your website should be providing them. Your content, whether it’s videos or text, should showcase your expertise as well as provide clear specifications about your products and services.

4) Deliver insights. Having analytics set up on your site can help you unlock some very powerful information. If you don’t know where your leads are coming from, what they are looking for, or how long they stayed, how can you tell what content or marketing initiatives are moving the needle?

5) Never be finished. It doesn’t matter if your site is two weeks old or two years old. A website should never be thought of as finished. A website should be considered a living thing that you need to keep updating with content and undergo regular wellness checks to ensure it is operating to serve your marketing goals.

So, is your website delivering? Carefully weigh your goals and your needs. If a poor online experience is holding your business back, it might be time to write a new chapter and take your website to the next level.