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Repeat Business and Rave Reviews: What Good Service Quality Can do For You


Ryan grew up on the family farm in Manitoba. He went to the University of Manitoba and earned a degree in agriculture. He has spent his entire life in the agriculture industry and has worked in a variety of positions, which has given him a well-rounded view of the industry as a whole which he uses to better serve customers and help them achieve their goals and aspirations.

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We all know good service quality matters. Bad service quality can have negative consequences for a business. It can lead to dissatisfied customers who may leave negative reviews, spread negative word-of-mouth, and ultimately, stop doing business with you.

Overall, bad service can harm the bottom line and hinder your ability to succeed.

The question is, what does good service quality look like? Is it a pleasant voice on the other end of the phone telling you to have a nice day? Obviously, it’s more than that, but when does good service quality really make an impact on someone, and why?

I have a customer who always calls me first when they want to buy something. They trust my recommendations and respect my expertise. It wasn’t always easy to earn their trust, but I stuck with it, and now they operate with the mindset that if I recommend it, it’s probably worth considering.

One instance that stands out is when we had equipment coming in during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and shipping delays caused it to arrive later than expected. But Garry Hamilton, our technical services manager, went out to help the customer turn on the equipment and provide in-depth training.

The operator was blown away and said how much sense everything made after Garry’s visit. It was a unique experience for the customer, and they were grateful for it.

This positive experience led to the customer purchasing more equipment from us, which required the expertise of our optical sorter technician, Bob Salnykov. Bob was able to start the equipment without any issues and provide effective training, leaving the customer so satisfied that they told me they want to buy everything from us just so they could keep working with Bob.

It’s not just the technical expertise that matters to the customer; it’s also the relationship they have built with us. They like working with me locally, and they appreciate the effort and dedication Garry and Bob put in to ensure their needs are met.

All of us at Nexeed have played a role in building this relationship, and it’s a testament to the importance of delivering exceptional service to our customers.