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Feds Give Money to Create Canola Cluster

The Canadian government is giving over $9 million to the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) through the AgriScience Program – Clusters Component to create the Canola Cluster, a Nov. 14 news release said.

“The global demand for Canadian canola seed, oil and meal is growing, and we’re committed to helping the sector meet these demands and establish new markets. This new investment in research and innovation is vitally important to ensuring our Canadian canola farmers have a sustainable and profitable future,” Lawrence MacAulay, federal minister of agriculture and agri-food, said in the release.

The release noted the goal of the cluster is to sustainably increase canola productivity, help the canola sector meet rising global demands and improve Canada’s global competitiveness. To do this the project will focus on three priority areas including research on sustainable, and reliable supply; increasing value; and ensuring stable and open trade.

“This research will help the sector address new and evolving agronomic challenges, drive further resilience and growth, and build on canola’s strong contribution as a climate solutions provider,” Chris Davison, CCC president and CEO, said in the release.

The federal funding will be combined with contributions from Alberta Canola, SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers, the Ontario Canola Growers Association and industry, making for a total investment of more than $17 million over five years, a release from the CC said. Under this funding partnership, a total of 17 projects will be carried out in collaboration with public research institutions across Canada.

The 17 projects include:

  • Enhancing understanding and application of advanced 4R nutrient management practices to increase yield and profitability while reducing nitrous oxide emissions and sequestering more carbon
  • Expanding understanding of how canola can mitigate climate change
  • Expanding efforts in developing robust genetic resistance against key canola pathogens and pests
  • Strengthening economic advantages for the grower through yield improvements, optimizing inputs, and reduced risk from pests, pathogens and environmental changes
  • Enhancing understanding of canola meal’s impact on reducing emissions in dairy production and its nutritional value in aquaculture markets