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From Coveralls to Consultation: How I Became a go-to Territory Rep


Ryan grew up on the family farm in Manitoba. He went to the University of Manitoba and earned a degree in agriculture. He has spent his entire life in the agriculture industry and has worked in a variety of positions, which has given him a well-rounded view of the industry as a whole which he uses to better serve customers and help them achieve their goals and aspirations.

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As someone who’s spent a lot of time in the seed processing industry, I’ve come to realize that success goes beyond merely understanding people and businesses. It’s about diving into the nitty-gritty, getting your hands dirty, and evolving with the times.

In the early days, I thought I had a good grip on the industry, having dealt with processing equipment in previous roles. However, working with Cimbria equipment presented a fresh challenge. The solution?

Dive in headfirst. I learned that knowing how to run the equipment myself not only made it easier to explain to customers but also enhanced our ability to sell and support our clients effectively.

I was adamant about not becoming just another sales guy taking equipment orders. So, armed with coveralls and a dust mask, I spent the first six months immersing myself in processing plants, working alongside existing customers. The goal was clear — learn the equipment inside out, and hopefully, earn the respect of those who had been in the industry longer than I had.

One vivid memory stands out — an encounter with an old-timer who was surprised when I decided to join him in the trenches, donning my coveralls instead of merely observing. Picture it: two people standing at a Cimbria Delta during a switch from barley to wheat, a scenario that left me itchy and uncomfortable but brought me closer to understanding the equipment’s nuances.

It takes me back to the moment we tackled every aspect of the machine — changing screens, cleaning screens — the whole works. The lessons I learned weren’t just technical; they were a testament to the importance of hands-on experience and the willingness to get dirty for the sake of knowledge.

But my commitment to learning didn’t stop there.

I realized the power of sharing experiences.

YouTube became a platform for addressing common questions and providing visual guides on equipment operation. The impetus for my YouTube videos came from getting the same kind of phone calls repeatedly. I saw an opportunity to streamline the learning process for a broader audience.

As my role evolves, I’ve noticed a shift in questions I receive. Clients, both familiar and new, seek advice not just on our products but on general industry trends. This transformation in their perception is a result of the relationships built over time — a testament to the value in putting on those coveralls and getting dirty.