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Serendipita indica: A Gym Membership for Plants?

VP of Client Relations,
Taurus Agriculture

Claude is the VP of Client Relations at Taurus Agricultural Marketing. A native of Saskatchewan, he works closely with growers, retail outlets, and solution providers to stay on top of the products, tactics, and advancements that can help achieve exceptional results. Claude strives to show customers how fertility solutions, biological inoculants, and plant enhancement technologies go hand in hand with the insights that come from a strategically-based analytics program.

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Envision a world where plants had personal trainers. Imagine these plants packed into gyms around the world, getting stronger and healthier with every passing day.

This might sound a bit silly, but it isn’t just a fantasy — we’re beginning to realize it with biologicals. Often dubbed as “bugs in a jug”, these technologies are beginning to take centre stage, thanks to vital contributors like Serendipita indica.

Among the arsenal of superpowers possessed by Serendipita indica is its capacity to enhance the absorption of crucial nutrients like phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen. Visualize it as a personal trainer for plants, meticulously ensuring they extract the most from their nutritional regimen.

Serendipita indica is a type of fungus that lives inside the roots of many plants. It was first discovered in India, growing on orchids in the desert. It can help plants grow better and resist diseases, drought, and salt stress. It can also produce some chemicals, such as viridiflorol, that have biological activities.

Serendipita indica has a complex relationship with its host plants and can change its behaviour depending on the environmental conditions. Its genome has been sequenced and studied by scientists. It’s a fascinating example of a beneficial fungal symbiont.

Yet, the journey of these biological marvels is not devoid of challenges, particularly when it comes to sustaining durability and consistent performance once they’re applied to seeds.

Serendipita indica is a tenacious fungus that has demonstrated its resilience in the field. Its ability to endure on seeds surpasses that of its counterparts, forming a symbiotic alliance with plant roots and kickstarting a variety of powerful biological mechanisms within the plant itself

But Serendipita indica is not merely a nutrient facilitator; it assumes the role of a guardian, fortifying plants against an array of environmental stresses. From the relentless challenges of drought to the adversities posed by salinity and unpredictable temperature fluctuations, this fungal guardian angel awakens stress-responsive genes in plants, fortifying their resilience.

The upshot? A consistent surge in yields, particularly in regions grappling with soil and climate variations.

For those eager to harness the prowess of this remarkable fungus, the spotlight falls on AGTIV® IGNITE™ L. This liquid microbial inoculant, crafted meticulously for on-seed application, encapsulates the potential of Serendipita indica with an impressive 2×10^6 viable spores/g.

Biological tools offer growers new options they never thought possible — and helps us get closer to building a world where plants get stronger and healthier even in the face of challenges like climate change.