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How to Bring Your Content to Life

Seed World CREATE,
Seed World Group

Laura graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2018 where she attained a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Asper School of Business. Majoring in marketing, Laura applies innovative thinking and creative solutions to the projects she manages. As a competitive curling athlete, Laura is no stranger to bringing a hard work ethic, strategic analysis, and teamwork to Seed World Group.

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Creating great content can be hard. It requires time, effort and a lot of creativity. But it’s so important for keeping your customers engaged with your brand.

Video is one of the most powerful mediums out there. It can be used to tell a story, show off your product or just communicate with your audience in a more engaging and accessible way than the written word alone can do. And on top of all that, videos perform better across every digital channel and platform — plus they’re fun!

The numbers don’t lie. According to Oberlo:

  • 54% of consumers prefer to see video content from a brand or business they support
  • 86% of marketing professionals use video as a key marketing tool
  • Video marketing get 66% more qualified leads per year

In today’s world, video is the most consumed form of content. From YouTube to Reels and TikToks, to commercials, and interviews. The list of possibilities is endless. Adding video to your arsenal of marketing tools not only gets more eyeballs on your content but creates a more readily digestible way for consumers to interact with that content.

Videos can make a huge impact on your marketing strategy. Including them in your campaigns will help you grab the attention of your target audience and drive results. But the question is how do you get them made? I promise you it’s not as daunting of a task as you might think. There’s a plethora of resources to help businesses easily add video to their marketing efforts. Hiring videographers to capture live footage, adding animation to branding pieces, creating self-filmed vlog style content, all of these are ways your company can utilize video.

Still unsure of how to tackle it? It’s always best to start small and work your way up. Choose a campaign and decide what kind of video is not only achievable but will add to your content. Like any new medium, practice makes perfect. Let your creativity flow and see what comes of it.

Does adding video to your content marketing sound like the right fit for you?