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ES Capello: The Leading Established Variety on the Oilseed Rape Market

Rapeseed Market Manager,
Lidea Seeds

Oriane graduated from the High School of Agriculture in Angers, France. Fulfilling several jobs like technician in vegetable experimentation, technical sales representative in the food industry before joining the company as regional sales engineer in the seed business sector. Currently, Oriane is the Rapeseed Market Manager at Lidea.

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Lidea’s winter oilseed rape variety continues its success across Europe.

ES Capello is a conventional oilseed rape variety listed in 2018 and now grown in more than 10 countries throughout Western and Eastern Europe, showing exceptional stability in a range of conditions and strong yield potential.

According to more than 300 development and official trials, the variety performs particularly well in low yield potential in Western Europe (gross output yield of 106%) and in medium and high yield potential in Central and Eastern Europe (yield of 104 – 109%). According to the oilseed rape trial network in Poland, the average yield was 50.6 quintals per hectare in 2021. In the French market it was the top harvested variety in 2021 in terms of volume (as per Farm Trak Kynetec WOSR France 2021).

“Despite the very complicated conditions of the year, I obtained 30 q/ha with ES Capello, or 5 q/ha more than with my other variety, and much more than what I hear around. I sowed ES Capello on August 25 and watered it in early September because it was very, very dry. It then remained quite well until harvest, without elongation during the winter. As I was satisfied with it, I will start again this year” says Francis, a farmer from the Loiret region in France.

Its popularity stems from its agronomic benefits. In addition to its strong general disease resistance profile, it has a good tolerance to one of the most significant diseases in oilseed rape production – Phoma. ES Capello has double Phoma tolerance: quantitative (gene Rlm3) and qualitative (gene Rlm7), which increases tolerance and gene diversification to limit the risk of circumvention. Among the variety’s other benefits are outstanding branching capacity, good early vigour and strong spring vigour, providing remarkable advantages for autumnal pest management strategy.

“So far, ES Capello has been spot-on. I have never had such good emergence in rapeseed. As it always grew well in the fall, it was able to defend itself against insects, without any insecticide. I was a bit scared of elongation in late winter, but I had no worries, it took a little while to restart, just right. Today, the variety has great potential,” highlights Jacques, a farmer in the Oise Region in France.

Lidea continues to innovate by developing sustainable solutions with ES Capello. ES Capello Protect is a ready-to-sow blend, combining ES Capello and ES Alicia, which contributes to pollen beetle management, acting as an insect trap. ES Capello Symbio is a ready-to-sow blend with companion plants contributing to weed and pest control along with improved soil health and increased nitrogen nutrition by 30 units.