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Fifteen Seconds for Success

Business Development Manager,
Seed World Group

After completing his bachelor degree at Valley City State University and travelling internationally to play professional baseball, Aiden joined the the Seed World Group team. Focused on delivering client centric solutions as part of the CREATE division, Aiden employs his knowledge, integrity and work ethic to connect customers with unique ways to tackled their problems. He is always ready for something new and well equipped to overcome each challenge the Seed World team and their clients encounter. Aiden’s fresh approach and viewpoints benefit the Seed World Group team because integrity never goes out of style.

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The average website user will give you 15 seconds to share something that engages them or catches their attention. Otherwise, they’re going to “bounce” and leave the page.

So how do keep this from happening?

A big piece of this is having content that captures your visitor’s attention. So how do you write good content for your website? The first step is to do some planning and strategic thinking.

  • Defined your website’s purpose: Is it informational only or do you also want it to help fill your lead funnel?
  • Know your audience: What problems do they want to solve? What words or phrases might you audience be searching for?
  • Research your competition: How do they present information? What products or services do they focus on?

With your goals and audience clearly defined, you can them move into content creation. From a marketing standpoint, good website content is content that has been optimized for search engines. Why? Search engine optimization (SEO) help users find your site using the keywords and phrases that your audience is searching for. From your audience standpoint however, there are some elements to employ to ensure your content and website stays audience-friendly.

 Educate, Rather than Sell: Generally speaking, website visitors want to learn; they don’t want to be sold to. By providing useful, informative content, you can set yourself apart as a trusted leader and expert.

Leave Breathing Room: Break your text up by using lists, small paragraphs, and good headings. This will help readers scan your website content for exactly what they are looking for.

Be Clear and Concise: Technical language has a time and a place but be sure to use it strategically. It is more important to ensure your content is easily understood by your audience without turning people away.

High-quality website content is one of the best strategies to get traffic to your website and traction for your products or services. By taking the time to plan and investing to develop good content you will not only get found, but you’ll also establish yourself as a trusted expert to do business with.