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Why We Invested in a New Lab for Biostimulant Innovation

Senior VP Portfolio Development,
Acadian Plant Health

James Maude has worked in the crop protection industry for his entire career. With a strong passion for success, he brings his expertise to the Acadian team. It’s here he’s helping lead the way for biostimulants based on seaweed extract to become a dominant tool as sustainability becomes key for the entire industry.

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Innovative companies are harnessing the power of biostimulant tools and creating effective formulations to bolster plant health. State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are required to do this.

That’s why we’ve invested in a new laboratory in Malvern, Worcestershire, England. This Centre of Excellence — our second in the world— is equipped with state-of-the-art scientific equipment in order to be able to produce formulations designed to meet the needs of global agribusiness companies. The scientists who reside there have expertise in both the agrichemical and biostimulant industry and will be focused on the creation of tailored new proprietary formulations.

There’s a big unmet need in the marketplace for abiotic stress mitigation. Multinational crop protection companies realize that biostimulants have a big role to play in the future of farming.

This paradigm shift has led to the building of an important new facility in the United Kingdom that will help usher in a new era for agriculture.

Our flagship technology, a type of seaweed known as Ascophyllum nodosum, has been around for decades. It was underinvested in and underutilized, until experts at Acadian Plant Health decided to take this hidden gem mainstream.

As we worked with our industry partners to position the technology for their needs, we needed to develop specific formulations to work in different products, including seed-applied ones.

Our Malvern laboratory contains five laboratories over two floors. There are five formulation scientists working at the facility, all with significant experience in the agricultural crop protection industry making proprietary formulations. There aren’t many multinational biostimulant companies that have this capability, or which even strive for it.

Many biostimulants on the market aren’t formulated with the customer in mind. They’re often sold in a “raw” or unprocessed state. They don’t contain optimized ingredients like spreaders, stickers, surfactants, stabilizers and other components that make the product easy to use and much more effective when it’s put onto the crop.

Our scientists are formulation chemists who actually know how to build products from scratch from basic principles, and build innovative, novel formulations. Through them, we’re introducing a layer of innovation in biostimulants that hasn’t been seen before. It’s important for us that we develop products that have different uses, from soil amendments to foliar applications to seed treatment.

Our Centre of Excellence in Malvern is a symbol of how we’ve invested in this capability, so that we can take the biostimulant industry and its products to the next level and make them available to partners who want a sophisticated biostimulant designed with the end user in mind.

Market growth is skyrocketing. By actively selling product in 70 countries worldwide, we’ve developed a broad footprint as a result of our ability to work with many different market segments.

Different parts of the world are at different stages with the adoption of biostimulant technology. Some are innovators experiencing biostimulants for the first time, while some countries like North America are in an early adoption phase.

Driving this global transition is Europe, which is ahead of much of the rest of the world in terms of adopting alternatives to synthetic chemistry.

The momentum of the market is taking us along with it, and it’s a testament to that global momentum that we now have our Centre of Excellence in Malvern, allowing us to sustainably deliver biostimulant tools to a market that has nothing to do but grow throughout the world.
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