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It’s Not Business, it’s Personal: Why Relationships Matter at Work


Cultivating good relationships with clients and fellow employees is crucial not just when it comes to running a business, but also has an important role to play in mental health for you and your clients as well.

A recent Harvard University study casts doubt on the old saying that the business and the personal should be kept separate, showing how important workplace relationships are to our well-being.

Researchers looked at the effects of the pandemic on the mental health of workers and found that workplace relationships have become more important in an era where traditional means of social connectedness, like volunteer work and club memberships, are on the decline, according to an article in the Harvard Gazette.

“Work has such a predominant influence in all of our lives. We think of health care, we think of public health, but work is an intervention in and of itself,” study co-author Eileen McNeely said.

A major takeaway from the study, according to the article, is that additional attention needs to be paid to social connectedness and work’s community aspect if employee well-being is to improve after the pandemic.

On June 29, Seed World Group President Shawn Brook and Nexeed President Mark Metcalfe join host Marc Zienkiewicz to talk about why cultivating relationships in business is crucial for mental health.

We’ll ask them what they do to cultivate relationships with clients and fellow employees, and how doing so helps them in both business and in life. Join at the YouTube link below!