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AFBV Calls for Action from EU Regulators to Address the Climate Emergency

Association Française des Biotechnologies Végétales (AFBV) requests the general mobilization of European public and private research to guarantee rapid implementation of a plan that addresses plant variety adaptation to climate change.

“AFBV considers the use of new plant biotechnologies as a necessary condition for the success of this adaptation plan, which has become all the more necessary not only to ensure food security but also the economic sovereignty of the EU in light of a visible acceleration of climate change,” shared a release.

While 2022 has seen extreme climates, it is not an exception, and is rather a new normal for farmers in the near future, according to AFBV. With late frosts, high temperatures, floods and droughts, the scope and range of the impact of plant pathogens and pests will change.

In the past, plant research has focused on developing plants resistant to biotic stress from pests and diseases. Now, that research must also center around programs that combat abiotic stress from “climate damage” that harms the productivity and quality of crops.

Therefore, new plant technologies are necessary to respond quickly to these new needs. AFBV believes that the public sector should regain the leading role in improving technologies and searching for gene function in newly required traits. It will only be possible for breeders to engage in new research and development if public authorities offer a regulatory framework that enables them to market plants obtained through new genetic engineering tools.

The EU has proven that it can take action and make important decisions quickly in other vital domains.

“AFBV expects the same boost in the strategic field of genetic improvement so that agriculture may benefit from all the technological innovations it needs to fight against climate damage and respond to society’s concerns about food security,” concluded the release.

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