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20 Most: Climate Friendly Companies and Famous Plant Breeders

Each year, European Seed compiles lists of the “20 Most” in the industry. In 2020, the publication released the “20 Most Innovative Breeders in the European Seed Sector in 2019” and in 2021, it shared the “20 Most Innovative Plant Varieties of 2020.” To learn more about the top climate friendly companies and famous plant breeders, check out European Seed‘s two “20 Most” articles from 2022.

The 20 Most Climate Friendly Companies Over 2021

Climate change is a threat to many aspects of human life. Without any mitigation, the planet will experience dangerous warming, with yield-destroying droughts; rising sea levels that wash away islands and invading coastal areas; and most certainly the extinction of many species. And it is a well-accepted fact that world temperatures are rising because of human activity.

In this issue of European Seed, we would like to put the spotlight on the European seed companies that are working hard and making great efforts to mitigate climate change.

Read parts two, three and four.

20 Most Famous Plant Breeders

In the year where it has been two centuries since Gregor Mendel was born, it seems appropriate to look at some of the other people who have made a bigger than normal contribution to plant breeding and have enriched our world and our plates with new, better, higher yielding and more delicious plant varieties.

Nowadays, plant breeding is very much an interdisciplinary activity, with lots of input from other departments within a seed company, such as the plant pathology, molecular or marketing departments. But in the old days it was often a one-person job, and from time to time it is good to look back and see on whose shoulders we are standing. No doubt, there are many others that also deserve a spot in this list. Feel free to send us your proposals, and why those persons should be on the list as well.

Read parts two, three and four.