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Corteva Agriscience Announces New Active Bexoveld

Corteva Agriscience announced Bexoveld active as the newest herbicide’s brand name according to a release. The active will provide cereal farmers a tool to help control broadleaf weeds. Depending on regulatory reviews, Corteva is expecting to launch Bexoveld in North America in 2028 and in Europe in 2030.

“Bexoveld demonstrates Corteva Agriscience’s commitment to bringing farmers innovative, sustainable, crop protection solutions,” said Robert King, executive vice president, crop protection business at Corteva. “With Bexoveld, Corteva will continue adding value to the cereal herbicide market by providing expanded spectrum weed control through differentiated products.”

Bexoveld is a third-generation 6-Arylpicolinate (6-AP) herbicide. The proprietary molecule was built around Arylex active and Rinskor active herbicides.

“We are very excited about the novel class of auxin herbicides that we are bringing to the market,” said Corteva’s Sam Eathington, chief technology and digital officer. “These new molecules interact with auxin receptors in a unique manner providing resistance management and differentiated attributes, while also meeting our sustainable innovation criteria.” 

Bexoveld is for control of broadleaf weeds, including species that are resistant. It is effective against the number one broadleaf weed in cereal crops in North America, Kochia. Bexoveld is also effective against poppy, Veronica and wild mustard, which are also common weeds in Europe.

Arylpicolinate herbicides review well for their favorable regulatory, toxicological, and environmental profiles. Bexoveld’s low dose use rate and superior efficacy is a unique feature. The residue of the new active is below the Limit of Quantification in cereal grains.

Bexoveld will be offered in several pre-mixed formulations.