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Gen Who? Gen. Z!

One of the main characteristics of Generation Z is their native use of technology. This generation was born into a world of peak technological innovation, making them natural adopters of innovative agricultural technologies such as precision agriculture, robotics, data analytics, and blockchain. They can use their expertise in technology to develop new tools and solutions to improve crop yields, reduce waste, and optimize resource usage.

Gen Z is passionate about sustainability and environmental protection. They are likely to prioritize sustainable farming practices such as regenerative agriculture, organic farming, and crop rotation. They will likely advocate for policies and initiatives that promote sustainable agriculture.


As the global population grows, there is an increasing need for more sustainable food production. Gen Z can contribute to the seed sector by developing new plant varieties that are disease-resistant, drought-tolerant, and high-yielding. They can also work towards reducing food waste by promoting better distribution and consumption practices.

Gen Z values diversity and inclusion, which can translate to the seed sector by working across different sectors and industries. They can collaborate with farmers, researchers, and policymakers to develop innovative solutions that address the challenges facing the agriculture and seed sector.

In summary, Gen Z can make significant contributions to the agriculture and seed sector through their expertise in technology, commitment to sustainability, focus on food security, appreciation of diversity, and ability to collaborate across sectors.

For more on social generations: From Boomers to Zoomers