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DLF Acquires Corteva Agriscience’s Alfalfa Breeding Program

DLF announced the acquisition of the Corteva Agriscience alfalfa breeding program effective September 1, 2023, according to a release.

This recent acquisition includes Corteva’s global alfalfa germplasm and breeding program, the Alforex Seeds brand name and trademarks including Hi-Gest alfalfa technology, Hi-Ton performance alfalfa, Hi-Salt salinity tolerant alfalfa, and msSuntra hybrid technology, current commercial alfalfa varieties and select Corteva personnel supporting the alfalfa program, said the release.

DLF’s acquisition allows it to have access to elite alfalfa genetics with a solid brand portfolio. The acquisition ties together DLF’s global research and development program with alfalfa breeding efforts worldwide.

“We have consistently aimed to establish a strong presence in alfalfa across all our global markets, including North America,” said Soren Halbye, group CEO of DLF in the release. “Acquiring a renowned alfalfa research program presents a rare opportunity for DLF to significantly enhance our global position in alfalfa breeding and sales.”

The acquisition allows DLF’s current alfalfa portfolio and brands to expand and become more diverse. According to the release, the acquisition “delivers a diverse and proven alfalfa germplasm base and native trait pipeline with excellent yield potential, disease and pest resistance, winterhardiness and superior forage quality for both dormant and non-dormant markets.”

“We believe this evolution in the alfalfa industry will create continued opportunities for DLF and our trusted partners to support the forage industry and our customers,” said Halbye. “We maintain our commitment to collaborating efficiently to deliver top-tier forage products to the market. Ensuring steady product availability and exceptional service for our customers during this period of change and beyond remains our priority.”

Research operations in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest will remain under the leadership of Steve Damon and Suresh Bhamidimarri, respectively.

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