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Seed World Europe wishes you happy holidays. And while you’re having a great time with your families and friends over the holidays, there may be moments you’d like to take a break and escape with a bit of good reading. Check out our daily postings of content from the past year.

Editor’s Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Ten years of Seed World Europe. 36 printed issues, brimming with close to 2000 pages of relevant seed sector content. In these ten years SWE has become the fastest growing seed magazine of the family. Not only read by Europeans, but all over the world! Check out this column and find out what homework you have been assigned. Your homework is due by the 1st of January 2024!

I had an interesting encounter the other day. One day, after the release of the online version of the February 2023 issue, I was contacted by a journalist from one of the national TV stations in Europe. He was working on a documentary on GMOs and had received the electronic version of our magazine from a public sector researcher he was working with. He was interested in the source of one of the data that we presented in our Myths on GMOs article. After I had sent him the peer-reviewed source article, I realized that our magazine European Seed had branched out into the public R&D sector, and also to national TV journalists. We had come a long way.

Ten years ago, we started with a new magazine for the European seed sector, and we didn’t know if it was going to work. Now, a decade later, we can safely say that it clearly serves a purpose, fills a gap, and has earned its place.

In the 34 printed issues that have come out so far, we have filled close to 1,750 pages of content, informing a broad range of readers. And from the website analytics we know that our articles are read, not just in Europe, but all over the globe.

For the past 10 years, the magazine has covered a wide range of topics from the latest political developments and innovations in this field, to intellectual property, phytosanitary matters, plant breeding and the latest advances in crop genetics, gene-editing, biodiversity, sustainability, crop protection, HR policies, and many other topics. It has become a go-to resource for professionals in the sector, plant breeders, salespeople, researchers, policymakers, and anyone with an interest in plant breeding and seed.

A recurring cherry on the pie are the ‘20 Most’ articles featuring influential seeds people, innovative breeders, with their innovative varieties, famous plant breeders, climate friendly companies or inspiring young people. It is a great joy to see the eagerness with which the EU seed sector participates in this annual listing.


Our articles are often written by or have contributions from leading experts in the field, providing us with their insights and analysis. At the same time, the magazine also features interviews with key players in the sector, updates on regulations and research initiatives, and critical reviews on recent developments.

Speaking about interviews, over the past decade, we have given the floor to several EU politicians. But I have to say that it is getting harder and harder for us to get them to speak out about certain topics. And I find that a pity. I wish many more politicians would take the time to engage with us, as I think one of the benefits of such interviews is that it will raise our awareness about the activities and importance of EU politics for the agricultural and seed sector. And it puts the spotlight on the impact that the political developments in Brussels and the various national capitals can have on our sector. And we should not forget that it is often the national seed associations that engage with local and EU politicians, so let’s make sure they get the appreciation and the appropriate resources for the hard work they do.


I do have some homework for you all. In a world where fake news and mis- and disinformation is more rampant than ever, it has also become a task for all of us to make sure we spread more information about the positive contributions of our sector.

Over the past decade or so, we have seen some adverse political decisions in our sector, that were devoid of science. Gene-editing, neonics and glyphosate are just some of those topics where the decisions ignored peer-reviewed data. This means we are losing the battle against quacks and fear-mongers, whose business it is to spread fear, and distract from the facts. And although several of you regularly share our content on social media, it is not enough.

So, your homework is to make sure you become even more vocal about those positive contributions that our sector is making to our planet. Do this in your presentations, at birthdays and on social media, and ‘like’, ‘tweet’, and ‘share’ as many of our articles and other content as you can. Start with one post on social media per day and build it up from there.

The European plant breeding and seed sector is an incredibly important and constantly evolving sector, which is providing essential resources for Europe’s and the world’s agriculture and in turn their food supply. So, I am sure you all are and should be very proud of our sector, therefore, let’s be vocal about it. Don’t sit back and think it will all blow over! I can’t say this enough: make sure our voice is heard. Our planet needs you!