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Find Out How the Social Media-Savvy are Helping People Learn How we Really do Things


On next week’s episode of Seed Speaks, Marc Zienkiewicz talks to three people who know how the agriculture sector really does business, and how you can engage others in constructive conversations to help bust harmful myths and help them spot fake news. Our guests will be:

Tyler Heppell, Heppell’s Potatoes: The Heppells have been farming their land for 102 years with Tyler being the fifth generation working the land. Tyler has been working as the production manager since returning to the farm in early 2022. He’s working to learn about all aspects of the farm so he can keep his family’s legacy going. One of the parts of his job has been bringing new ideas to help move the farm forward. Part of how he’s doing that is through social media. On his TikTok account @heppellspotato he teaches his more than 346,600 followers about agriculture and potato production. He has used the platform to bring awareness to a petition Heppell’s Potatoes currently has running to try and stop commercial development of farmland they rent from the federal government.

Ally Churko, University of Alberta: Churko is a student at the U of A who has grown up in the seed industry. She’ll talk about some of the big myths she encounters at school and outside of it and how she helps to bust them in helpful, constructive ways.

Ally Roden, Seed World Group: Roden writes for and manages Seed World Group’s social media accounts. She didn’t grow up in agriculture, but has learned a lot in the time she’s been at Seed World Group and will tell us what she’s learned in that time and how she passes those lessons on to others.

Watch at the link below: