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Seed Speaks Season Eight Tackles the Marketing Power of Seed

Have you ever wondered how seed connects with the consumer? How the story of seed can be marketed or shared with a wider audience than the farmers who plant it and grow the crops it produces? On this season on Seed Speaks we’re taking a closer look at how the seed industry is connected to our daily lives.

The eighth season of Seed Speaks starts on April 12 and is entitled The Marketing Power of Seed.

Seed is the base of everything — any food you buy starts out as a seed. In this season of Seed Speaks we’ll tell you the story of seed and share the ways you can tell others about how seed is related to their lives.

Season eight will take a deep dive into the seed industry and how you can tell its story. We’ll talk with experts about how consumer preferences affect the seed industry, the world of cannabis breeding, how you can promote your seed business and many other topics.

Join us every Wednesday at 12 Central Daylight Time on Seed World, Germination, European Seed and the Alberta Seed Guide‘s Facebook pages, Seed World‘s Linkedin page and Seed World Group‘s YouTube page. We’ll be kicking off season eight on Wednesday, April 12, when Marc Zienkiewicz takes a closer look at the cannabis industry.

Read more Seed Speaks at:

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