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FMC’s Fluindapyr Now Registered in Brazil

FMC Corporation (FMC) has received registration in Brazil for fluindapyr, “a novel broad-spectrum succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide,” according to a release.

SDHI fungicides are very important to growers in Brazil. Fluindapyr offers a preventative control against destructive diseases that are common in Brazil row crops like rusts, leaf spots and powdery mildew.

“FMC expects to register several fluindapyr formulations in Brazil for use in cotton, corn and soybean, including ONSUVA¬® fungicide, a combination with difenoconazole,” said Marcelo Magurno, FMC Brazil business director. “Our research demonstrates that fluindapyr is an effective fungicide and an excellent mixture partner to other fungicide active ingredients. It is compatible with best-in-class disease management programs providing Brazilian growers with preventative broad-spectrum control of various fungal diseases. Broad-spectrum disease control is critical since multiple diseases can attack the crop at the same time, leading to potential crop loss and a significant reduction in yield.”

This Brazilian registration is a significant step for FMC receiving regulatory approval. Fluindapyr is already registered in Argentina, the United States, Paraguay and South Korea. FMC has also submitted fluindapyr formulations for registration in several other countries to be present in key markets in every region. Growers worldwide will have access to this tool to help their crop management programs and increase crop yields, pending registrations being granted.

“FMC will bring to market high-performance fluindapyr premixture products that provide flexible and versatile resistance management with superior performance on key tough-to-control diseases,” said Diane Allemang, FMC executive vice president and chief marketing officer. “FMC fluindapyr brands will provide growers across the globe the flexibility and versatility they need to customize their programs on multiple crops.”