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What to Expect from ASTA’s 63rd Annual Vegetable and Flower Seed Conference

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)’s annual Vegetable and Flower Seed Conference starts tomorrow in Monterey, California and runs through Tuesday, Jan. 30. Here’s what to expect from the conference, and how we’ll keep you in the loop whether you’re in attendance or watching from afar.

Agenda Highlights

Friday: Friday’s official agenda is comparatively light – the only two scheduled sessions are the SALT workshop (by invitation only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.) and the Systems Approach phytosanitary workshop (1:30-4:30 p.m.), which will feature four USDA-APHIS speakers as well as ASTA’s director of seed health and trade, Martha Malapi. Those who don’t attend the scheduled sessions can use the day to meet old industry friends, make new ones, and connect for always important one-on-one meetings.

Saturday: features the ever-popular conference golf tourney. While some enjoy the links, we’re looking forward to covering the ASTA Communications Committee’s take on the Farm Bill. Watch for coverage of that session in our Monday newsletter. 

Sunday and Monday: jump into the real heart of the conference’s sessions, with back-to-back and simultaneous sessions all day both days. We’re particularly looking forward to bringing you highlights of the following sessions:

·         Innovation and Policy: Regulatory Approaches to Genome Edited Plants  – Views from the UK, EU , Canada and the US

·         Women in Seed: Perspectives for Everyone

·         Student Poster Presentation Showcase

·         What does Sustainability and Regenerative Agriculture Mean to the Seed Industry?

·         LEAD Session: Creating Advocacy through Intentional Communication

What You’ll Hear From Us:

Tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday, we’ll be sending out special ASTA Vegetable and Flower Seed themed newsletters each evening, including recaps and highlights from the day, flower and veg feature articles, perspectives from key industry thought leaders and more. For anyone who’s not already on our newsletter list, visit and click on the newsletter subscribe button. 

Are You Attending the Vegetable and Flower Seed Conference

We hope to see you in Monterey! Seed World U.S. editor Aimee Nielson will be in attendance throughout the conference. If you’re taking in the conference too, make sure to find a few minutes to visit Aimee at the Seed World Media Center. The Seed World Media Center will be Seed World U.S.’ home base throughout the Conference. You’ll find our uniquely round media pod front and center in the foyer. We’ll be filming both scheduled and impromptu interviews and updates from the Seed World Media Center.

Aimee is always keen to chat seed industry priorities, conference highlights, what’s new in the world of veg and flower seeds, and the challenges and opportunities on seed companies’ horizons. Stop by casually or, even better, pre-schedule a chat here so she’s sure not to miss you.