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There’s a Good Chance You’re Using Twitter Wrong

Seed World Group

Since graduating from Asper School of Business in 2019, Shelby has submerged herself in the digital marketing world. She has utilized her academic knowledge and paired it with her real world experience to help businesses increase their presence in the market. As the newest member of the team, and someone who is passionate about content and its creation, Shelby plans to use her skill set to sky rocket the content at Seed World Group. With new and unique ideas, Shelby brings a fresh perspective to the Business Development team, which is always a good thing.

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Twitter has over 187 million active users. That’s a lot of people, so you definitely want to tap into this audience.

Although Twitter is often more news-based, used to keep up with the world around us, it has proven an effective space for businesses to communicate their message, especially in the ag space. 

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is fundamentally different than business-to-consumer. To attract and build awareness of business you need to offer you audience valuable content. Here’s what to know when using Twitter to get your message out.

  • Know your audience. The ag community is very active on Twitter and people from all areas of the industry interact regularly using the platform. Start building your community, be found and join relevant conversations with ag-related hashtags.
  • Don’t try to sell stuff. Twitter is one place that needs a special approach when it comes to marketing. Often, businesses tweet promotional messaging to show off their latest offer. This is not what you should be doing on Twitter. Repeat after me, “I will not advertise my latest offer on Twitter”. 
  • Keep it simple. What should you be posting on Twitter, then? Use Twitter to keep your brand top-of-mind to your audience. Use Twitter to share insightful links that your target audience may find helpful. You can even use Twitter to direct people to your website or landing page. Just don’t use Twitter to advertise your 25% off sale for the month of July. 
  • Measure! Another common mistake that businesses make is failing to measure the success of their Tweets. As you work to build brand awareness, be sure to check in on your analytics. Are your tweets bringing new users to your website? Are they increasing traffic to your landing page? If not adjust your tactics until you see success.

Twitter can be a helpful tool in your B2B marketing toolkit, as long as you avoid the common mistakes and ensure you’re using it properly.