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Corteva Agriscience Announces New Adavelt Active

Corteva Agriscience announced the commercial launch of Adavelt active. The product has recently been registered in Australia, Canada and South Korea. Adavelt active is a fungicide with a new mode of action that saves crop yields by protecting against a variety of diseases according to a release.

Zetigo PRM fungicide with Adavelt active is approved for sale in Canada and will be available for lentil crops in the 2023 growing season. In Australia and South Korea, commercial sales will begin this year. The active will be offered in additional countries in the future depending on crop registrations and regulatory approvals.

“Farmers have a critical need for innovative fungicides to address the challenges they face today. Adavelt active delivers exactly that, a new, flexible option to protect crops and preserve yield potential,” said Robert King, executive vice president, Crop Protection Business Unit, Corteva Agriscience. “Corteva is investing in R&D to bring farmers differentiated, sustainable solutions like Adavelt active. The commercialization of Adavelt active is a testament to our strong pipeline.”

Adavelt active (florylpicoxamid/FRAC Group 21) was built around Inatreq active which is a natural origin fungicide. Adavelt active is for use against ascomycota pathogens and is a broad-spectrum picolinamide fungicide. It offers target site action in many crops and no cross-resistance to other modes of action and has a place in integrated pest management programs.

The preventative properties that Adavelt offers helps protect against a variety of diseases that can negatively impact yield with curative properties if used in early infection stages. Farmers can use Adavelt active in fungal control programs and reduce resistance risks.

More information is available at