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Discovering More About Biotech Challenges

In an open letter (, 34 Nobel Prize laureates ask to EU Parliamentary members to reject “the darkness of anti-science fearmongering” and to relax strict rules on gene editing.

If you want to know more about biotechnology and the perspectives on gene-editing, make sure to check out this new book, called ‘Biotech challenges’. It is a key book to understand and follow the ongoing EU debate and the issues surrounding it. The book provides global perspectives of biotech challenges in the world; it outlines the context and achievements of first (20th century) and second generation (21st century) biotechnologies, and it addresses regulatory concerns for biotech products (GMO & NGT) in the EU and in the world.

Author of the book is Catherine Regnault-Roger, and she is Prof emeritus at the UPPA University in France, and a member of the French Academy for Agriculture and of the National Academy on Pharmacy. For those interested, you can order the book here:

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