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Seed World Innovation Webinar Series: Advanced machine learning for predictive plant breeding

Climate change challenges breeders to deliver new varieties faster and with fewer resources. Machine Learning technologies can integrate environmental factors and model complex traits, speeding up the breeding cycles by delivering improved phenotype predictions.

Attend the free webinar to learn
– why it is important to build a robust data set in plant breeding
– how a good training population looks like
– what the advantages of machine learning technologies over classical statistical methods are
– how you can unleash the superior accuracy of machine learning-based prediction methods in your breeding
– which questions machine learning solves in hybrid, line and clonal breeding programs

The webinar speakers are Ruth Mayes, Director Global Business Strategy and Christian Dreischer, Scientific Project Manager.

Download Webinar presentation here

Please feel free to pass the download link along to colleagues who may be interested. If you still have questions on any topic of the presentation you can directly reach out to Ruth Mayes at

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