b'innovation. What did you find?Susanne Schmidt (SS): In water-limited environments, as here in Australia, we need to find solutions for plant produc-tion under conditions of limited soil moisture and on nutrient degraded lands. When applying the product on tropical plants, their water needs were reduced as they displayed an increase in water use efficiency. In addition, and to our surprise, the application showed no detrimental effects on root colonization with benefi-cial microbes, which is usually the case with mineral fertilizers. In my opinion, arGrow is a real alternative for sustainable plant production.1Effect of arGrow on nitrate leaching in drainage water SW: Regina, how do you foresee the application of your products? You mentioned earlier the possibility was kept to a minimum, complying to thefor precision placement and seed European standards, whereas conven- applications? tional fertilizer use displayed about 3.5RG: Absolutely correct. In forestry, our times higher leaching levels. This is justinnovation is mainly used in granular one example of how our technology offersform, placed under the seedling at plant-a novel tool for addressing sustainabilitying. In this way, the biostimulant comes goals, especially in the agricultural sector. close to the targetthe rootand a We also believe that our innovationsmall dose per seedling is enough. We can help reduce input of pesticides. ToSeeds treated with arGrow believe in precision dosing and providing fight pests and diseases, plants needthe plant with nutrition in the establish-to produce defensive compounds thathave obtained to substantiate theirment and initial growth phase to facilitate provide protection. This depends on aeffectiveness? the establishment of a strong and func-significant fraction of carbon. Carbon,N: We maintain strict quality controltional root system.however, is also needed to make nitro- measures throughout our manufacturingFor agriculture, a few granules can gen derived from nitrates plant available.process. We are members of EBIC, thebe placed in the soil just under the seed, Converting nitrates to nitrogen competesEuropean Biostimulant Industry Council,thereby favoring the seed and not the with plant defense activities in timescertify our products to their standards,weed. In this way, a significantly reduced of need. Theoretical calculations andand actively contribute to building upapplication rate of inorganic fertilizers practical experiments have shown thata uniform regulatory framework forcould be achieved.nitrogen sources such as amino acids, inbiostimulants within Europe. We alsoAnother solution within agriculture particular arginine, provide small plantscollaborate with several independentis to apply active ingredients around with a carbon bonus. This is becausepartners in testing our products to ensurethe seed. Therefore, we have produced amino acids contain both plant availablequality and consistency. seeds with arginine phosphate crystals in nitrogen and carbon. This carbon bonusTo expand on Reginas answer above,a seed coating. In this way, no additional thereby enables plants to better combinein addition to testing the level of nitrogenapplication steps need to be performed a high growth rate with investments inleaching, NIBIO also tested the efficacyduring planting. So far, we have received various defensive compounds that pro- of our product. Results showed thatpromising results with our coated seeds, vide protection. when using our product, the turf coveredwith no records of penalties. This technol-the ground significantly more quicklyogy is not just of interest for agricultural SW: Niklas, how do you ensure thecompared to where conventional fertilizercrops such as soybeans or corn, but also quality and consistency of yourwas used.for the home-grower. Seed coating of, biostimulants, and are there anyfor example, tomato, carrots, lettuce, or certifications or validations youSW: Susanne, you tested this newonion seeds is no problem.SW1 Organic nitrogen improves the water use of tropical tree seedlings cultivated for restoration plantings (Krishnan et al., 2023), https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368611307_Organic_nitro-gen_improves_the_water_use_of_tropical_tree_seedlings_cultivated_for_restoration_plantings 106/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2023'