b'UKRAINE UPDATETHE HARVEST OF SORROWAS FAITH IN VICTORYHOW THE RUSSIAN INVASION IMPACTS UKRAINES ROLE IN AGRICULTURE.BY: ANNA BABICHO ver 35 years ago, when BritishUkrainians that it will end with their vic-professor and historian Roberttory is unshakable. The world is waiting Conquestpublishedhisfor the end of the war in Ukraine, feeling book The Harvest of Sorrow: Sovietits dependence on the Ukraine agricul-Collectivization and the Terror-famine,ture. In contrast to the painful healing he built his research on data from eye- after the Second World War, already now witnesses interviews, Soviet newspapers,agriculture is the focus of the governmen-and censuses, and concluded that thetal Ukraine Recovery Plan that considers famine that happened in Ukraine in 1932- $50 billion aimed at transformation and 33 was purposeful and thus constitutesreconstruction of the industry. To drive genocide. This was probably one of thebusiness development, the country is first public statements recognizing thecommitted to the anti-corruption system Holodomor (death caused by hunger)relaunch, harmonization of Ukrainian and as genocide of the Ukrainian nation, sincethe EU legislation, opening of G7 and EU throughout the past decades, this topicmarkets and significant improvements was tabooed. and simplification of numerous processes. Various research reports indicate theHaving such a clear understanding death toll for Ukraine and the Caucusesof Ukraines role in global agriculture, in those times, between 4.5 and 8 million,following the recovery plan, opens hori-which was impressive enough for inter- zons for foreign investments in Ukraine national society to pay attention to thisAnna Babich and room for opportunity to take a seat tragedy and make a commitment to pre- in the countrys agriculture right now. vent this sorrow in the future. Those who do not waste their time today, With todays ongoing war in thetime, Ukrainian farmers pay the highestwill benefit tomorrow from the compet-middle of Europe in the XXI century,price to continue agricultural productionitive advantages of Ukraines post-war the world might see far more wide- under unprecedented risks that wereinvestment potential. The only aspect spread famine than 90 years ago. Thenot considered real before February 24,that investors should remember is that UN estimates that the number of people2022. At four months into the war, theUkrainian agriculture is open for those marching to starvation increased fromtotal losses in Ukrainian agriculturewho have no compromises in the ques-276 million caused by the pandemic tohave reached approximately $4.3 billion,tion of the value of human life. Ukrainian 323 million due to the war unleashedaccording to the recent review by thefarmers are open to work with those inter-by Russia against Ukraine. BlockedMinistry of Agrarian Policy and Foodnational partners who made a possibly Ukraines food exports, mined and burntin Ukraine and the Center for Food andfinancially difficult, but morally correct fields, destroyed equipment and humanLand Use Research at the Kyiv School ofand the only right decision to withdraw losses and logistical issues all cause priceEconomics. The number can be signifi- from the Russian market and stop being increases for staple foods, energy sourcescantly higher since, until the end of thesponsors of the terrorism and genocide and fertilizers. This is threatening foodwar, it is impossible to make precise cal- of the entire nation. The justification for availability for people not only in Ukraineculations.profits by the commitment to the food but in the rest of the world. At the sameAccording to the analysis, damagedsecurity no longer works. Money, taxes, time, in Ukraine, people in occupied terri- fields, and unharvested winter crops,coming to the aggressor country with tories or deliberated after the presence ofcaused 50 per cent of the stated loss.a profit purpose, are transformed into the Russian army, experience significantBesides soldiers, the Ukrainian farmersmissiles, killing civilians right now. Does shortage of food, and in the first days ofare definitely the other heroes of this war.anyone really want to be part of this?the war, supermarket shelves were emptyDespite the danger and constant shelling,The harvest of sorrow today will be even in the capital. I remember we had tothey ploughed even the front-line fields,crowned with success tomorrow for those buy bread from the neighbour who wasunder constant missile attacks. For thiswho are led by the highest values and braver than us and continued bakingmission, many consciously sacrifice theirbelieve that light will overcome darkness. while we were hiding from the missilesafety, confirming Ukrainians commit-attacks in our homemade shelter.ment to protect their lands and work hardEditorsNote:AnnaBabich, Tackling global food insecurity atfor the sake of the common good.Communications and Sustainability the global level requires urgent actionsWhen these terrible events willexpert in agriculture, Kyiv, Ukrainefrom politicians, for sure. At the sameend is unknown but the confidence ofIstanbul, Turkey8IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'