b"that do not necessarily meet the sameSovereignty should continue the work of requirements, with the risk of a deteriora- the previous minister, Julien Denormandie, tion in the overall environmental and cli- on several issues that directly or indirectly mate balance, said Marc Fesneau, Frenchaffect the seed breeders:Minister of Agriculture and President of- Support of the third agricultural rev-the Agriculture and Fisheries Council inolution combining digital, robotic and Luxembourg on 13 June. genetic innovations. The government In order to strengthen the coherencehas clearly identified plant breeding as a between the Green Deal, the Commontool to meet the challenges of agro-eco-Agricultural Policy and the Europeanlogical transitions. Various public action trade policy, France has promoted theprogrammes offer support and training principle of reciprocity of standards. Thismeasures.objective intends to apply the same envi- -Food sovereignty is to be developed ronmental and health production stand- thanks to sustainable and local agri-ards to products from member states ofcultural systems. Several measures the EU and products imported from thirdare planned, in particular the national countries. For this purpose, it has beenplant protein strategy, adopted in 2020 decided to promote European standardsto reduce imports for animal nutrition in international bodies (WTO, FAO, etc.)(e.g., soya beans), but also to advo-and through bilateral agreements withincate the reciprocity of standards at aFrench Minister Marc Fesneau during a meeting the framework of mirror clauses thatEuropean level. in Paris dedicated to the crisis in Ukraine are to be systematically applied. These-Anticipation of the renewal of the farm-Cheick Saidou /agriculture.gouv.fr (7 July 2022)aspects are expected to be pursued bying generation: 45 per cent of farm-the Czech Presidency. Seed companiesers will reach retirement age by 2026. will then have a level playing field withDebates on a draft agricultural orien-their non-EU competitors. tation law will be held in the coming months to ensure the necessary tran Carbon farmingsition by facilitating access to agricul- RUSSIAS OCCUPATION France has identified agriculture as onetural land. However, the question of fairOF 22 PER CENTof the solutions to climate change, in par- remuneration for farmers is also an issueOF UKRAINES ticular through, the principle of a regu- of attractiveness at the heart of MinisterAGRICULTURAL latory environment allowing farmers toMarc Fesneau's priorities. French seed develop practices that reduce but alsocompanies, who also face the challengesTERRITORY MEANS store carbon in the soil. of the attractiveness of seed multiplica- THAT THE SEED byThis can be achieved, for example,tion in the current context, will closelyPRODUCTION NEEDED planting hedges or trees, growingfollow these debates on generationalFOR THE CROPS IN pulses, using catch and cover crops or byrenewal.conservation agriculture. When he took office on 20 May 2022,THE COMING TWO Obviously, seed companies haveMarc Fesneau recalled that This MinistryYEARS CANNOT BE an essential role to play in this process[of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty]GUARANTEED. by proposing adapted varieties, andis of strategic importance because the in particular ecosystemic plant varie- strength of our economy depends on our ties. European legislative proposals willagricultural power and excellence. An include a framework for certification ofimportant part of our sovereignty also carbon capture and incentives. depends on our agriculture [.]. I want to show that agriculture, which is a centu Revision of the SUD Directive on theries-old activity whose strength lies in itssustainable use tradition, is fundamentally a question of of pesticidesthe future at the heart of the development On22June2022,theEuropeanmodel we want for our children, because Commission published its proposal forit is at the crossroads between produc-a revised text of Directive 2009/128/ECtive, ecological and social issues.on the sustainable use of pesticides. InAs the leading European producer the form of a regulation, to be directlyand global exporter, the French seed applied in all member states, it aims atsector already contributes to the many reducing the use of synthetic pesticidestransitions currently in progress in the and most hazardous products by 50 perworld of agriculture and food, and the cent by 2030. Here again, seeds will havecoming months will bring opportunities an important role to play in supportingto place the activity of seed breeders at this development. the very heart of these European and French strategies.IN FRANCE, AN INNOVATION-ORIENTED AGRICULTURALEditors Note: Rachel Blumel is Director PROGRAMME General of UFS, the French associationRachel BlumelThe new Ministry of Agriculture and Foodof seed companies and plant breeders.EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 21"