b'TABLE OF CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2022europeanseedFEATURESA Threat to Humanity .06The Harvest of Sorrow as Faith in Victory 08Working in War Conditions .10Weaning Europe Off from External Gas Suppliers 12Agriculture: Strategic Activity at the Heart of French Concerns 2020 Most Famous Plant Breeders .24A Closer Look at German Seed Companies .30Delegation Might Be Your Most Difficult Challenge Yet .33Cyber Security Starts with Education, Then Awareness 34Interview with the President of EUs CPVO .36Promoting Science for Sustainable Agriculture .42Fighting Crime in the Seed Business 47As the World Changes, We Must Evolve with It.52Fun Facts on Sugar Beet .5812 36DEPARTMENTSEditors Message .04Column: Sense, Nonsense and Science18Column: Since You Asked .22INSIDERSAdvice from Industry Experts .44Column: The Risk Corner 50Industry News 60Global Seed Watch 66Extras.70Giant Views: Is Organic Farming Really Better Than Conventional Farming? 06 ON THE COVER: Cover portraits illustrated by Lesley Nakonechny 72EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 1'