b'Donald ColesWe received a high number of nominations throughout the world, Keller says. In addition, we had a lot of direct contact with new groups to explain how this new structure functions Priorities to Keep in Mindmeaning there was a lot of interaction between the secretariatWhen it comes to this years priorities, both Michael and all those nominated to set it up. Keller, secretary general of the International Seed And while leading virtually isnt ideal, Coles says the ISFFederation (ISF), and Donald Coles, president of ISF, secretariat has been exemplary.have many points top-of-mind.Its important to recognize that many of us have been through significant personal and business challenges, ColesRising misinformation is a major concern Coles sees says. Most of these challenges remain unseen and unknown. Itsacross the industry. There are many groups with an a credit to all involved in the administration of ISF and its relatedextremist ideology that are intent on promoting an organizations that so much has been achieved in so little time. unscientific and unsustainable agenda, he says. When it comes to the future, though, Coles is hopeful that the time of a virtual-only world is coming to an end. Especially concerning areas and regulations like the I hope that communicating in a virtual world is over, atFarm-to-Fork agenda in Europe, Coles sees a lack of least in part, he says. ISF now has an opportunity to expandcommunication about how the seed sector is engaging its communication mediums and methods. in climate change efforts.But, with the recent in-person World Seed Congress, it was important to remember how to communicate the message of theKellers main goals are continuing to engage beyond seed industry in person again.the boundaries of the seed sector, with new partners, Dont be boring! Coles advises. Dont make it technicalbe them NGOs, countries or another stakeholder in the or use industry jargon. All in person communication must comevalue chain. Despite the progress made over many with a personal story that is empathetic to everyday consumers.years, a lot of countries still have farmers who dont Simple, but factual statements like my phrase, Almost all Lifehave seed choice or access to quality seed, he says. on the planet relies on seed to survive! works. Theres a clear need to work together not only within Getting together for the first time in two years in Barcelonathe private sector, but also with the public sector. is what excited Keller most about this year. It was exciting to meet again in person, and we had a lotDeepening relationships, especially within the food of topics to discuss, he says. The seed sector needs to be moresystems, is imperative. present and more visible to provide more solutions.Finally, improving plant breeders rights to continue to encourage new innovations stays top-of-mind.We need a crystal-clear regulation concerning intellectual property rights of plant breeders, Keller Want to review what ISFs key strategic objectives are? says. Its clear there is pressure on plant breeders Reread our overview on them at seedworld.com/learn-from-the-past- rights, and we need to overcome it. We need incentives and-prepare-for-a-strategic-tomorrow.to innovate.56IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'