b'The release notes that wheatone of the globes mostby a technician accredited with the Ministry of Agriculture and important food rationsis inbred and has low genetic diversity.entails visual separation based on color. Green seeds are dis-Therefore, by creating new alleles and identifying new loci, youcarded and destroyed, forming waste. can further improve wheat grain yield traits.UPL Corporation recently announced that Mike Frank has been Two studies published in the journal Science by researchersappointed the new chief executive officer (CEO) of UPLs at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research inGlobal Crop Protection (CP) business by the board of directors. Cologne, Germany, in collaboration with colleagues in ChinaUPLs Crop Protection business handles all of CPs assets outside have discovered natural cellular molecules that drive crit- of India. With this new position, Frank will now be a member ical plant immune responses. These compounds have all theof the UPL Crop Protection board of directors, according to a hallmarks of being small messengers tailored by plants to turnrelease.on key defense-control hubs. Harnessing these insights may allow scientists and plant breeders to design molecules that make plants, including many important crop species, moreNigerias biotechnology and biosafety stakeholders validated and resistant to disease.adopted national guidelines on the regulation of genetically mod-ified plants with stacked genes, on 25 July 2022 in Abuja. The objective of these guidelines is to provide guidance and infor-Brazilian researchers have developed a technique to help selectmation on the risk assessment and risk management require-seeds of soybeans and other legumes in accordance with matu- ments and procedures for plants with Genetically Modified (GM) rity stages, assuring physiological quality without destroyingstacked events through traditional breeding or molecular tech-samples. The scientists used light and artificial intelligence (AI)niques. Gene Stacking refers to the combination of two or more to show that chlorophyll fluorescence is an effective and reliablegenes of interest in the genome of a single plantindicator of soybean seed maturity. They validated the results by means of machine learning algorithms. The novel technique can be used to classify commercial seeds. The greener and less mature the seeds, the less vigor and germinating power they have, so that their quality is lower. As a result, the market value of soybean seed lots with more than 8% green seeds is reduced and they cannot be exported. Green seeds also produce less oil, with higher acidity and higher refining costs. Manual seed quality analysis is required by law in Brazil. It must be performed RZN-adv-seedworld-wt3-210408.indd 1 08/04/2021 17:02EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 65'