b'region, adds Herrlinger.We as breeders have to be active onGENERAL FACTS ON GERMAN AGRICULTUREall levels, including farmers, to be suc-cessful. In Germany we have a very wide1. LARGE AREASrange of growing conditions and differentHalf of the area of Germany is used for diseases which is the base for us to breed50 agricultural purposes. Almost one million and select varieties for diverse require- billion people produce goods worth more than 50 ments across Europe, says Stange. billion euros per year.The vegetable market in Germany is an important market, with a high growth2. HIGH YIELDpotential. The market is open for newAfter World War II, a farmer in Germany developments such as the year-roundwas able to feed 10 people. Today, thanks production of hydroponic lettuce. Theto scientific and technological progress, the mindset of the growers and businessesfigure has risen to 142 people.is very open for collaboration. Due to the challenges of mitigating climate3. STRONG EXPORTSchangevegetable growers are look- Germany is the worlds third largest ing for other vegetable crops that thriveexporter of agricultural goods. The German under warmer conditions in Germany. Byagricultural industry exports about one third working closely with our customers, withof its products.the whole of the agricultural community and the value chain, we are confident4. HIGH MILK PRODUCTIONthat well find the right solutions, says Westerman. Germany is the largest milk producer in the European Union. The milk is processed ES: ARE THERE SPECIFIC GERMANalmost exclusively in domestic dairies to APPROACHES THAT YOU ALSOmake drinking milk, butter, yoghurt, cheese APPLY IN OTHER COUNTRIES? and other dairy products.Independently creating innovation through our own strength in research and5. A LOT OF GRAINbreeding and bringing such innovation toGrain is grown on about one third of the market through cooperation is part ofGermanys agricultural land. Wheat is by far the DNA of NPZ Group, says Herrlinger.the leading crop, followed by barley and rye.Together with its partners in Germany, Europe and worldwide, NPZ has estab- 6. LESS FRUIT AND VEGETABLESlished a network based on trust andGermanys agricultural output covers only a mutual benefit. Certainly, this is one ofthird of its demand for vegetables, and only the key factors for NPZ, having managedone fifth of demand for fruit. Potatoes are the to stay a family-owned company, while atexception, where supply exceeds demand.the same time offering cutting-edge solu-tions to farmers and downstream indus- 7. VERY FEW GREENHOUSEStry, he adds. Vegetables are traditionally grown in fields Stange shares that in their core mar- or gardens. Only about one per cent of kets, they are very active with all playersGermanys vegetable growing areas are in the sugar beet business. There is nocovered by greenhouses.special German way, he adds.The customer is BASFs focus, says Westerman. The relationship between8. 10 PER CENT ORGANICcustomers and the specialists of BASFs10% More than 10 per cent of all agricultural seeds business is therefore very valuable.holdings are dedicated to organic farming. The continuous exchange with farmers isOrganic farmers output is usually lower, but very important to understand their needstheir revenue is higher.and requirements.For field crops, the structure in agri- 9. EXPENSIVE WINEculture is very diverse in Germany. ThereThe sales value of German wine production are big farming structures and a singleis 1.1 billion euros, the equivalent of the layer distribution system in the East,worlds largest wine growing country, Spain. while in the South, the structure is onBut Spains wine growing area is about 10 a smaller scale with lots of farmers andtimes larger than Germanys.retailers, says Hlter.Hlter also indicates that the market10. SOUGHT-AFTER HOPSapproach needs to be adapted to theseThe largest single hop growing area in different situations. Large distributionGermany, the Hallertau, accounts for about structures allow BASF to have a directone third of world output. Germany is the personal contact with farmers and be ableworlds fourth largest beer producer.to customize recommendations and ser-vices. Within the smaller structures, our contact is a more close collaboration withSource: https://www.deutschland.de/en/topic/environment/agriculture-in-germany-ten-facts EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 31'