b'For instance, the cooperation with the European Commission and the relationship with our parent Directorate-General (DG SANTE) in Brussels is excellent. We see some room for further exchanges and collaboration in the years to come and the same goes with the major European IP authorities. In practice, we have just renewed our partnership agree-ments with the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich, Germany, and the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante, Spain. It allows us to exchange informa-tion seamlessly and to collaborate on certain HR, or operational matters. It is very helpful to be connected to peer organisations and to be well active in the European network!Equally useful is CPVOs involvement in international activities beyond the EU borders to support the priorities of the European Trade policy based on multilateralism and strategic partnerships. The CPVO experts are actively involved in UPOV meetings and here in particular in the Technical Working Group meetings where they can exchange with technical experts from all over the world. The work in UPOV is amongst others the basis for elaborating the DUS guidance within the EU. We have also taken an active role in various international cooperation and trade projects funded by the European Union Visit to Rauscedo vine innovation centre, Italy, March 2022 in the past few years: IPKey in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and China; TAIEX missions and CarIPI projects in the Caribbean Region and Central America, the OAPI PPOV project in Africa, I am now the President of the CPVO for the next five years,AfrIPI and others. with the possibility to be renewed for a second mandate in 2027.In almost all regions of the world, the CPVR system based Until then many things can happen. My ambition is to build a futureon the 1991 UPOV Convention is seen as the model to replicate, proof CPVO that is fit for purpose and that the Community Plantand our experts provide guidance and organise trainings. Variety Rights system adapts to tomorrows societal challenges.We still need to be cautious at enforcement issues in some For instance, I would welcome a review of the foundingcountries but, overall, I am convinced that our active participa-regulation of the CPVO during my term so that our mandatetion in UPOV meetings and our open dialogue with many national is extended to properly address the needs of the whole breed- authorities are truly beneficial to the European breeders. ing community, from the researchers to the growers, from theWithin the EU, the structured relationships we nurture with breeders to the farmers.our network of entrusted Examination Offices in the EU Member From a policy perspective, we are supporting the EuropeanStates is a strong pillar of the system. Commission in the context of the review of the plant andOn top of carrying out DUS tests, our hundreds of internal forest reproductive material legislation (PRM) and we are fol- and external experts must keep an eye on new breeding trends, lowing with attention all debates linked to the New Genomicand some of them are involved in R&D projects. The CPVO is Techniques. a knowledge-based organisation and technical experts should I have also initiated a series of study visits in the EU Memberkeep abreast of the latest scientific developments. States as I wish to meet all national authorities who test plantFor instance, biomolecular techniques (BMTs) and gene varieties on behalf of the CPVO and I am curious to comprehendediting, such as CRISPR/Cas, are the real stars of the last decade the various traditions, specialisations and expectations of largeand their potential has not been fully explored yet. The cur-and small breeding companies from across Europe as well asrent process of revision of the GMO regulation may encourage their business models. This approach allows us to better addressEuropean breeders to invest more in this system. New Genomic emerging demands and would also better support a fact-basedTechniques could provide a very significant support to the devel-policy making.opment of plant innovations adapted to a sustainable agriculture. I have visited Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, and SpainMore must be done with them!in the first four months of my mandate, and I will visit CzechWe could also explore what could be improved through Republic at the end of the summer.emerging digital technologies which are not yet fully exploited Lets not forget that the CPVOs raison dtre is to serve- such as big data, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, the European Union by granting IP protection to plant breeders,and blockchain. And we must seriously take stock of the public so that they can invest in R&I and they can find solutions toconcerns as regards to preserving biodiversity and making agri-secure the production of more healthy, sustainable, diverse andcultural production more sustainable. quantitative agricultural and horticultural crops.This is where we will need to place focus! ES: TALKING ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY, THE CPVO RECENTLY RELEASED A STUDY ASSESSING THE IMPACT ES: WHICH CHANGES HAVE YOU WITNESSED AT THEOF THE CPVR SYSTEM ON THE EU ECONOMY AND CPVO DURING THESE PAST 10 YEARS. THE ENVIRONMENT. WHY DID YOU RELEASE SUCH A FM:I witnessed that being an open and collaborative institu- STUDY? HAVE YOU LEARNT ANYTHING YOU DID NOT tion is vital. The multi-stakeholders participatory approach hasKNOW YET? gradually become the cornerstone of our actions, enabling us toFM:This joint European study is a project we had in mind for operate more efficiently in both the legal and technical ecosys- some time given that no similar assessment of the CPVR system tems. And more must be done!had ever been produced before, and we wanted to have a clear 38IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'