b'The UNs goals rely heavily on partnerships, believes Qu.Plant Sciences(NPS) modified tomato is unlikely to pose an To reach this goal, we need to build stronger, more strategicincreased plant pest risk relative to its comparator, stated a partnerships with civil society organizations, parliamentarians,Regulatory Status Review (RSR) issued on Wednesday, Sept. Indigenous Peoples, academia and research institutions, and the7, by the USDAs Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service private sector, and especially with the youthand all of you!(APHIS). The purple tomato is no longer restricted due to he added. regulations that limit Movement of Organisms Modified or Produced through Genetic Engineering.Research led by a team of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC) scientists prompted a mathematical modelBiome Makers announced a strategic collaboration with formulated on temperature-regulated processes. TheDISAGRO, a Latin American agriculture solutions provider model can predict crops responses to global warming, accord- based in Guatemala. DISAGRO is partnering with providers like ing to a release. The study has discovered the fundamentalBiome Makers to offer the newest innovative technology and role of the COP1 protein as a growth promoter of Arabidopsishelp recover soil health. The licensing agreement between plants in long days and high environmental temperatures andthe two companies will allow Biome Makers to expand into 11 its interaction with other cellular factors, explained the release.new markets in Latin America including Guatemala, El Salvador, This discovery could help avoid the adverse effects of climateHonduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, change on summer crops, believe researchers. Peru, Dominican Republic and Belize. Following a long and unusually hot and dry summer, the North- Plant breeding company KWS is further expanding its head-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) are predicting potatoquarters in Einbeck and starting one of the largest single production in their region will drop by seven to 11%, a Sept. 9construction projects ever at the location. Work on the approx-news release said. Final potato area in the NEPG zone for 2022imately 13,000-square-meter building for processing and stor-is 510,938 hectares. This marks an increase of 3.2 percent com- ing breeding material has now begun. The planned investment pared to last year, NEPG noted. The release noted following thevolume totals more than 40 million. The property earmarked hot, dry summer potato production is reduced throughout thefor the expansion is located in the northeastern area of the com-NEPG zone. Situations vary between countries with Belgian andpanys premises on Otto-Hahn-Str. across from the Otto-Hahn French farmers the most affected, while Dutch growers arentpark.as much. NEPG said some farmers wont be able to deliver their final expected contracts due to low yields.Leading vegetable seed breeders, Bejo from the Netherlands and Elsoms Seeds from the UK have agreed new plans for the CRISPRpedia is a free, textbook-style resource that explainsdevelopment and distribution on a range of their crops, as and illustrates all things CRISPR. CRISPRpedia is IGIs freeper September 1. Elsoms Seeds will expand their breeding, seed online textbook that covers CRISPR from its role in bacterialproduction and processing of coriander, parsley, turnip, chard, immunity to development into a tool for genome editing, to thecutting celery, swede, sprouting broccoli and spring green. breadth of applications in basic research, medicine, and agricul- Elsoms will take over global sales and distribution, except for ture. Written by Ph.D. scientists and edited by Jennifer Doudnaswede, sprouting broccoli and spring green of which Bejo will and other CRISPR experts, CRISPRpedia is your home for clear,remain the exclusive international distributor.reliable CRISPR info. This resource can be used for learning and teaching by anyone from advanced high school students to principal investigators, and is an ideal companion for molecularResearchers from North Carolina State University have devel-biology classes. The 80+ original illustrations are downloadableoped a wireless system that uses radio transmitters and as editable vector graphics and free to use for non-commercialreceivers to estimate soil moisture in agricultural fields at purposes under a Creative Commons license.multiple depths in real time, improving on existing technolo-gies that can be used to inform irrigation practices that both improve crop yield and reduce water consumption. The new Lesaffre has acquired Recombia Biosciences, a San Franciscotechnology, called Contactless Moisture Estimation (CoMEt), Bay Area based biotechnology company centered on tech- does not require any in-ground sensors. Instead, CoMEt assesses nology licensed from Stanford University, according to asoil moisture using something called phase, which is a char-release. The acquisition builds on the strategic partnershipacteristic of radio waves that is affected by both the wavelength created between the companies in 2020 to heighten Recombiaof the radio waves and the distance between the radio waves Biosciences genome-editing technologies and further the devel- transmitter and the waves receiver.opment of yeasts for the sustainable production of fermented ingredients. The collaboration marked Lesaffres first step into the Synthetic Biology world. Throughout the partnership, theNew research study led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem companies have joined forces to create and develop new yeast(HU) and the Israels Agricultural Research Organization strains and optimize the production of various biosourced ingre- (Volcani Institute) details the success of a biological sensor for dients and biofuels. early detection of hidden disease in potato tubers, one of Israels chief export industries at 700,000 tons a year. Israeli farmers import European potatoes for planting in Israel. However, a The USDA has announced its decision to allow U.S. home grow- certain percentage of them carry disease withineither visibly ers to purchase and grow high-anthocyanin purple tomatoor invisiblythat cause rot and significantly reduce the pota-seeds beginning in 2023, according to a release. Norfolktos quality. The Hebrew University-Volcani alliance is about to 62IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'