b'September 2022 and will run through June 2025. The project,STATUS U.S.created by the bank groups African Emergency Food ProductionTexas A&M AgriLife Research is anticipating the largest com- Universal Coating Systems isWorld Premier Facility, sets out to address the potential food crisis worsened by the war in Ukraine. The goal is to strengthen the countryspetitive grant in the organizations history, up to $65 million, to ability to become self-sufficient for wheat and edible oil manu- execute a five-year multi-commodity project to work with Texasbuilding on its groundbreaking facturing by 2030. includes a $2.5 million grant from thelarge agricultural sector on expanding climate-smart agriculturepast to bring new innovationof The approvaland forestry practices. to the global seed industry ofSeed Coating resources of the African Development Fund, the bank groupsA cotton field with bolls of cotton and a pumpjack in the concessional window and a $71 million loan. The banks contri- back. Cotton is one of the climate-smart crops the initiative bution represents 87.3% of the projects total cost, estimatedcovers. grants are not just historic for The Texas A&Mtomorrowat $84.07 million. The Tanzanian government will provide theTheSystem, but for the nation, as part of a federalWhile Universal Coating Systems, founded as part of thePolymerbalance of $11 million, according to a release by the bank group. University The support will help build up the supply of enhancedinvestment in 70 partnerships recently announced by the U.S. wheat, sunflower and rice seeds that are resilient to the climate.Department of Agriculture. Universal Seed family of businesses, is considered by Funds will also ensure fertilizer is available and affordable andAccording to the USDA announcement, these federal pro- Universal Coating Systems, LLC is pleased to announce will back policies that improve the regulatory environment forjects will expand markets for climate-smart commodities, lev- many to be the pioneering leader of the seed coatingthe global launch celebration of our Unicoat 3 Seed the rapid uptake of certified seeds and fertilizers, added theerage the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodityindustry, this dynamic company is certainly not resting on release. production, and provide direct, meaningful benefits to produc- its laurels. Instead, Universal Coating Systems has madeCoating Polymer.Unicoat 3 is a next-generation, improved The Russia-Ukraine conflict, combined with the impactstion agriculture, including for small and underserved producers. formulation of our industry leading Unicoat Classic Polymer. from COVID-19, climate change and resultant high prices forWe are proud to lead this major effort, said Chancellora significant commitment to improving its revolutionary fuel and fertilizer, has an adverse impact on poverty and foodJohn Sharp. The diversity of Texas climates, soils and agricul- Unicoat Seed Treating and Coating continuous run, batch insecurity. Increases in the cost of edible oils, rice and wheatture allows a carefully crafted Texas Climate-Smart Initiative to will affect all households, but hit the poorest most severely, saidserve as a model for future climate-smart programs nationwide.drum equipment, and full seed processing lines with:Nnenna Nwabufo, the banks director general for East Africa. This grant further cements Texas A&M as the No. 1 research Tanzania imports over 90% of its wheat, with 67% cominguniversity in Texas and the Southwest. Weigh-in-place precision for eliminating from Russia and Ukraine. Nearly 47% of the countrys vegetableProduction agriculture is the backbone of the Texas econ- treatment wasteoils come from the two countries and close to 25% of their fer- omy, said Jeffrey W. Savell, Ph.D., vice chancellor and dean for tilizer is from Russia, shared the release. Agriculture and Life Sciences. This grant proves that when weFull line automation with WiFi enabled, Beneficiaries include 1,000 small and medium-scale seedassemble a team of expert researchers and leaders, while simul- remote troubleshootingproducers and agro-dealers and 10,000 unemployed youngtaneously staying focused on being responsive to the needs of women and men through jobs in the wheat, sunflower and ferti- Texas and key priority areas, that real magic can happen. WereDurability, sustainability, and safety lizer value chains, said the release. proud to be creating meaningful solutions for the people of Texas. innovationsSource: Texas A&MWhat makes Unicoat 3 so special?Ease of use and ease of cleaning Microplastic freeIn addition, Universal Coating Systems has been building a strong and well-diversified portfolio of Unicoat polymers,Beautiful and even coverage of seed treatments Unicoat colorants, and PowerUp seed performanceand colorsbuilders by collaborating with top agricultural researchersOptimal adhesion properties; seed treatments are worldwide. Universal Coating Systems brings the beston the seed, not in the bottom of the bagtechnologies to their customers with the know-how andFast drying with complete coverage for smoothArtemis laboratory facilities to help quickly develop individualizedseed flow out of the bagsolutions for profitability, sustainability, safety, andVery low dustresponsibility in the incredibly-important-to-our-future Can be optimized for live microbe applicationsDrill control system seed industry. Stable operational viscosityIf you are wanting to improve and enhance your seed processing and treating program and to add value to yourEasy to use and easy to cleanseed program, contact Universal Coating Systems todayMulti-purpose polymer ideal for film coating to full An ISOBUS-compliantfor a free consultative discussion focused on listening topelletizing applicationsmulti-channel electric driveyour challenges and goals in the seed industry and helpingIdeal for all seed treating/coating systems as well system, providing the controlyou find the best solutions for reaching those goals. as seed treatment manufacturingand monitoring requirements of the modern seed drill. Contact:Eric Waldo, Global Sales Managerc:352-213-6681e:Eric@universalcoating.netDo you want to learn more? Visit topconpositioning.com/farm-your-way68IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'