b'INTERNATIONAL NEWSGLOBAL SEED WATCHAUSTRALIA WELCOMES A NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY, CANADIAN GROWERS IN BC AND ALBERTA AMALGAMATE ASSOCIATIONS, NEW PROCESSING PLANT FOR TOMATOES OPENS IN KENYASTATUS AUSTRALIA for members locally, regionally, and nationally. The process started over a year and a half ago, with members in both asso-AUSVEG, Australias peak industry body for vegetable andciations later voting to amalgamate their memberships. The potato growers, has welcomed the announcement from Federalnew group represents nearly 720 seed growers across western Agriculture Minister Senator Murray Watt of Australias firstCanada.National Biosecurity Strategy. The two organizations have long shared the same goals and The strategy, which comes after a National Biosecuritymarketing opportunities, Niemela said. It was time to make it Statement was agreed to in 2018, has been agreed to by federal,official and become one organization. This expansion opens the state and territory ministers and will help ensure that govern- door for more robust information sharing and advocacy for our ments and industry work together to protect Australia from thefurthest west, pedigreed seed producers.threat of harmful pests and diseases.AUSVEG CEO Michael Coote says that industry has been calling for a long-term, ongoing support for the nations biosecu- STATUS KENYArity system, with recent biosecurity threats and incursions proof that biosecurity is too important to be left to chance. Tomato growers in Kobura Ward, Nyando Sub-county expect to As we have seen recently, ensuring Australia has a strongreap big after the completion of a tomato processing plant in the and well-resourced biosecurity system is vital for Australiasarea, to promote agro-industry and improve livelihoods.agriculture industry and important for the health and safety ofThe construction of the Kochieng Tomato Processing Plant every Australian, said Coote. in Nyamware village that was undertaken by the Kisumu County While we have natural advantages due to our geographicalGovernment has been completed and fully equipped and is now location, we cannot afford to be complacent. Recent biosecurityawaiting commissioning by Governor Anyang Nyongo in the outbreaks in this country, including Fall armyworm, Serpentinecoming weeks. The Department of Industrialization and Energy leafminer and Varroa Mite, as well as the ominous threat of Footspent Ksh 20 million (Euro 162,000) on the flagship project in and Mouth Disease just over our border, have shown the tremen- the 2021/22 Financial Year.dous economic and emotional toll that incursions and the threatAccording to local sources, the agro-industry project is the of incursions have on an industry and its members. first of its kind to be funded by the County government to pro-The announcement of a National Biosecurity Strategy thatmote sustainable agricultural-based development and industri-has been agreed to by Federal, State and Territory Ministers isalization in rural areas.welcome recognition of the ever-growing threat from foreignTomato is among the high-value crops planted post rice pests and diseases. harvest in the Kano irrigation schemes with 200Ha of land and Our biosecurity system needs ongoing resources that areover 11,000 farmers. However, the Chief Officer for Agriculture, dedicated to keeping our borders safe from harmful and dan- Irrigation, Livestock and Fisheries, Dr Paul Omanga stated that gerous pests and diseases. at the onset the plant would focus on tomatoes and eventually The agriculture industry is working towards a target ofexpand to process more agricultural value-added products. The $100 billion in value in 2030 and requires a robust and effectivesame equipment can be used to process mangoes, avocadoes, biosecurity system to protect crops and communities for harmfulpineapples and other fruits which will be transported from far-pests and diseases. off areas to the site for processing, stated Dr Omanga.Source: AUSVEG The plant has a modern ablution block with a bio digester and a 15-meter high mast solar powered floodlight and drilled borehole to supply water to the community for domestic use.STATUS CANADA Kochieng tomato processing plant is intended to produce tomato juice, tomato paste and other by products that will be The amalgamation of the Alberta Seed Growers and the Britishbranded and supplied to local supermarkets.Columbia Seed Growers is now official, a June 22 news releaseSources: Tomato News Via kbc.co.ke, businessdailyaf-said. The new organizations title is the Alberta-British Columbiarica.com, farmersreviewafrica.comSeed Growers (ABCSG).We are excited to be under one umbrella with the British Columbia Seed Growers, Tracy Niemela, ABCSG president saidSTATUS TANZANIAin the release. We want to ensure that seed growers in British Columbia have the same level of recognition and promotion forThe board of directors from the African Development Bank Group their pedigreed seed as growers across the country. recently announced they will be offering $73.5 million to back The release noted both Alberta and B.C. are critical playersa program made to enhance food production in Tanzania by a in Canadas seed industry, and as a united association ABCSGmillion tons over three years.will continue to provide marketing opportunities and advocacyThe Tanzania Agricultural Inputs Support Project began in 66IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'