b'MISSION IMPOSSIBLE? OR NOT?WEANING EUROPE OFF FROM EXTERNAL GAS SUPPLIERS.BY: MARCEL BRUINST he Ukraine-Russia war furtheropment of a circular bioeconomy. They emphasized Europes high depend- can help us make optimal use of all our ency on external gas suppliers. Asresources valorising waste and promot-a result, in March 2022, the Europeaning the agroecological transition, while Commission announced that it had dou- improving our security of supply and the bled its objective for home-grown biom- storage of renewable energy.ethane production to 35 billion cubicSupported by its members, the EBA metres per year by 2030. The aim was tois committed to work with European increase EUs resilience regarding theinstitutions, industry, agricultural part-ongoing and increasing energy crisis.ners, civil society organisations and This is good news for seed companies,academia to develop policies which can working on biogas specific varieties. Toenable the large-scale deployment of learn more about biomethane and biogasrenewable gases and organic fertilisers and its impact on Europes gas addic- throughout Europe. This should build on tion, European Seed sat down withtransparent, well established sustainabil-Angela Sainz Arnau, Communicationsity certification bodies to ensure sustain-Manager at the European Biogasability remains at the core of the industry. Association (EBA), to get EBAs take on the benefits of biogas and how to getES: WHICH ARE SOME OF THE Europe self-reliant on gas. BENEFITS OF USING BIOGAS?ASA:Biogas and biomethane are renew-EUROPEAN SEED (ES): ANGELA,able gases which help abate emissions CAN YOU EXPLAIN IN A NUTSHELLacross the whole value chain. Their useAngela Sainz ArnauWHAT THE EBA IS, AND EXPLAIN Ais essential if we are to accelerate the BIT ABOUT ITS ACTIVITIES? reduction of GHG emissions in multiple ANGELA SAINZ ARNAU (ASA):Biogas,sectors, including buildings, industry, biomethane and other renewable gasestransport, and agriculture.are an important corner stone of a car- The existing gas infrastructure is bon-neutral economy in Europe. Thebiomethane-ready. This is key to ramping European Biogas Association advocatesup decarbonisation and providing afforda-for the recognition of biogas and biome- ble renewable energy for consumers. In thane as sustainable and flexible energyaddition, biomethane can be easily stored sources that provide multiple benefits.and produced at a constant pace, helping These green gases support the devel- balance energy supply from intermittent 12IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'