b'energy sources of renewable origin, suchthe Norwegian fish farming industry andmanagement, resource-efficient agricul-as solar or wind. It can also be tradedprocess water from the pulp and paperture and displacement of fossil energy and produced within Europe, ensuringindustry. triggering significant emission savings. the EUs security of supply, and avoidingThese are just some examples of dependence on external providers. biogas and biomethane production andES: WHICH POLICY CHANGES Biogas and biomethane are generateduse, but there are many others acrossARE NEEDED IN THE EU, TO MAKE from different types of organic residues,Europe. EUROPES AGRICULTURE MORE turning waste into a valuable resource,SUSTAINABLE?which is the core principle of an efficientES: WHAT IS THE EBAS POSITIONASA:The EBA believes that biogas and circular economy. Food waste or waste- ON THE EUS GREEN DEAL? biomethane production can strongly water can be recovered from our citiesASA:The EBA welcomes the ambition ofsupport the agroecological transition. and used to produce renewable energy,the European Commission in the GreenAgroecology supports farming in such which helps develop a local bioeconomy.Deal to strive for climate-neutrality bya way that does not impose any harm In the countryside, residues from2050. This is both a big challenge andto environment and preserves biodiver-animal farming or biomass from agri- opportunity for Europe and will only besity. This means reducing GHG emis-culture can be optimised and convertedpossible with holistic and comprehensivesions, keeping the soil alive with organic into energy, while digestate can be usedpolicies which make full use of sectormatter, protecting biodiversity, improving as an organic fertiliser, improving soilcoupling and integration models.nutrient quality, nurturing the soil with quality and biodiversity in farmlands.Renewable energy will need toorganic fertilizers, and supporting sus-This creates additional business modelsreplace fossil energy and Europe willtainable farming and rural development. in the farming sector, making it more costat last need to implement a pollut- The combination of biogas and competitive, and promotes sustainableer-pays-principle, taking account of thebiomethane production with farming farming and supporting long-term ruralfull spectrum of pollutants, including CO can trigger a more resource-efficient and 2development. to NOx emissions and particulate matter.sustainable agriculture but tapping into Additionally, the sector is a realRenewable gases, including biogas andthose benefits will only be possible with opportunity for the exploitation of thebiomethane, will play a key role in help- the relevant legislative measures in place. biogenic COmarket. From 1 ton ofing Europes transition to a clean energyThe Common Agricultural Policy should 2biogas, we obtain almost 2 tons of bio- system with a genuinely resource-effi- facilitate the simultaneous production genic CO .cient and circular economy.of food and renewable energy, allow-2ing thereby extra-income for European ES: CAN YOU SHARE SOMEfarmers. Farmers should also be incen-BIOGAS SUCCESS STORIES? tivized to use bio-fertilizers (digestate) ASA:There are many biogas and biometh- to reduce costs and emissions related to ane success stories across Europe.mineral fertilizers, and secure food pro-In Spain, with substantial feedstockTHE EBA BELIEVESduction from the impact of dwindling potential for biogas production, the city ofinternational reserves of key minerals Madrid produces more than a million tonsTHAT BIOGAS ANDsuch as phosphorous. In this context, of urban waste per year. ValdemingmezBIOMETHANEthe European Commissions Nutrients Technology Park treats over 90 per centAction Plan expected by the end of the of the organic matter from the waste thatPRODUCTIONyear, could identify a clear strategy for enters its processing plant. Out of thisbetter management practices stimulat-waste, it generates of electricity, enoughCAN STRONGLYing nutrient recycling. Also, the proposal for the consumption of 59,367 homesSUPPORT THEbuilding on the Sustainable Carbon Cycle and the surplus is used to run the facil- Communication should set a clear frame-ity. This plant claims to have effectivelyAGROECOLOGICALwork to stimulate carbon farming. saved 1,130,768 tonnes of greenhouse gasTRANSITION. Additional benefits from use of diges-emissions. tate, obtained from biogas production, as In the UK, Future Biogas currentlyorganic fertilizer and sequential crops operates 11 plants, collaborating withcan yield carbon sequestration volumes local farms to produce over 400GWh ofin soil. The EU Member States should be biomethane and provide energy for 40,000incentivized to demonstrate soil carbon homes. They also integrate biogas pro- savings in line with the Renewable duction with carbon capture and storageEuropean policies must be alignedEnergy Directive carbon negative cred-technology (BECCS). The captured CO2and made fit for purpose across all sec- its eligible for trading within the ETS or will supply it for the Northern Lightstors, on and off the grid. Among other pol- other carbon trading regimes.Project. icies, what is needed is, on the one hand,And introducing long-term, harmo-In Norway, the Skogn I facility is oneenergy prices which reflect all climatenized sustainability criteria for biomass of the largest plants for liquified biome- and environment externalities (COandin Europe, in line with the sustainabil-2thane production (bio-LNG). Bio-LNGair pollutants, biodiversity), and, on theity criteria of the Renewable Energy can be used as renewable transport fuelother, an EU target for renewable gasesDirective, would encourage sequential and is very convenient to decarbonizeincluded in EU legislation and reflectingcropping, thus benefiting soil quality and heavy-duty transport, including trucksa clear commitment to increasingly greenmitigating pesticide application.and ships covering long distances. Thethe gas supply. This would encourage EU plant produces 25 tonnes of liquid biom- Member States to unlock their nationalES: RECENTLY THE EUROPEAN ethane per day. The primary feedstockpotential of renewable gases which wouldCOMMISSION ANNOUNCED THAT for the plant is waste and byproduct fromgenerate ample benefits: adequate wasteIT HAD DOUBLED ITS OBJECTIVE 14IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'