b'CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSBattling Downy Mildew in SunflowerBIOSTIMULANT AURELIA CORINA COSACSunflower Crop Manager in the Black SeaLidea .Biostimulant Regulation Helps Legitimize These Products The global sunflower acreage is increas- Controlling downy mildew can beOurmostrecenthybridsES DAVID HILTZDirector of Global Regulatory AffairsAcadian Plant Health ing and in 2022 it was over 24 million ha.done with agro-technical, chemical andANTHEMIS CLP, ES CEYLON SU, ES 80 per cent of that area can be found inbreeding measures. The most efficientBELFIS CLP and ES OASIS CLP, have a Europe. In 2022, in South-East Europe,measure against downy mildew is grow- resistance to the highest mildew pressure the sunflower area increased: to over 3ing genetically resistant hybrids whichand the most virulent races. But also, a million ha, versus 2.8 million ha in 2021.provide protection throughout the vege- genetic construction to respond to poten-The interest in growing sunflower istative cycle. For hybrids without genetictial mildew evolution. This year, these increasing due to the high price and theresistance, the protection against downyhybrids cultivated in the areas with the Russia Ukraine war. And another argu- mildew can only be realized by chemicalbiggest pressure of downy mildew per-ment is the adaptability of the species toseed treatment.formed very well and gave us the confir-the climatic changes. Lidea has a portfolio of mildewmation of our research.This year, due to the weather con- resistant hybrids. In the field, under con- Farmers are worried about the ditions, the downy mildew pressure wasditions of very high pressure, this leadsdowny mildew attack, not only from this higher compared to the previous twoto healthy plants, resisting the mildewyear, but also because of the problems years. Along with the presence and vir- attack and going through the entire veg- that may arise in the future, due to the ulence of downy mildew races, anotheretative cycle without symptoms. reserve of pathogens in the soil. Another factor that contributes to increasing pres- Under our Mildew Master label, weworry is the impact on yield, so they sure is rotation. The disease pressure isgathered sunflower hybrids adapted forunderstood that, besides rotation and all higher when the practiced rotation iscultivation in areas infested by downyother technological factors involved, the shorter, at 2 years: sunflower-cere- mildew. Its our innovative, sustainable,cultivation of hybrids with genetic resist-als-sunflower. This is creating a realgreen and adapted solution for differentance to downy mildew gives them the danger for our fields. types of downy mildew pressure. security of clean and productive fields. TURF AND FORAGECloverA Win-Win for Our Climate and for Your WalletCHRISTIAN S. JENSENHead of BiotechDLFA famous political leader once said:fertilizers to neighboring plants.range of farming systems to promote Never let a good crisis go to waste. WeFarmers can utilize this gift toagricultural productivity. In this endeavor have been here before. Higher costs onincrease on-farm protein productionR&D plays a key role in selecting elite energy and inputs, higher commodityinstead of expensively bought proteingermplasm that will promote sustainable prices and more focus on how we canconcentrate. AND in a feeding contextgrazing systems both in intensive produc-produce more efficient with less input.there is an additional win of growing clo- tion areas as well as in low rainfall zones. Sometimes, when things come too easily,vers together with grass: it is what nutri- So, whats not to like? There is money we might tend to forget choosing thetional expert scientists call the cloverin using clovers and there is also a consid-right solutions over the easy ones. Buteffect, which is expressed as a signifi- erable amount of climate consciousness. when things get tough and fertilizer andcant increase in fiber digestibility, feedMore than 1 per cent of the worlds total feed cost rises to the sky, a small modestintake, and milk yield. In several casesenergy consumption goes exclusively for plant is ready to help us feed our livestockthe presence of clover can even covermaking ammonia. Clovers, alfalfa and or greening our lawns without emptyingup for low-digestible grass that was har- other legumes are mother natures own, our wallets: CLOVER! vested too late.sustainable low-energy way of providing Clovers ability to thrive in symbiosisKnown also to improve soil fertility,nutrients for feed and food production. with nitrogen-fixing bacteria is indeed apasture clovers can provide a formidableHoneybees, bumble bees, and a lot of good example of natures wonders. Thebreak crop to reduce crop weeds and dis- other insects love them too. Mix them root nodules are small power factorieseases. The seed industry makes signifi- with grass and go for it!that convert atmospheric nitrogen gas tocant effort in finding new ways to include protein in the clover plant and nutritiousknown and new clover species in a broad EUROPEAN-SEED.COMIEUROPEAN SEED I 45'