b'INSIDERSBIOSTIMULANTBiostimulant Regulation Helps Legitimize These ProductsDAVID HILTZDirector of Global Regulatory AffairsAcadian Plant HealthWe live in a world that is changing fastpany with an opportunity to provide anapproval that gives our partners and their due to climate change and the needalternative solution in reducing syntheticgrower customers the confidence that for sustainable solutions that will helpchemical and fertilizer use.Acadian Plant Healths seaweed extracts growers bolster their bottom line whileAcadians seaweed extract solu- have been evaluated for safety, quality ensuring the long-term viability of theirtions are positioned to play a vital andand efficacy and they can be confident in operations. positive role in transforming global agri- choosing our products as part of a crop Its a big reason why Im happy tocultureall in a way that successfullyinput solution.report that Acadian Plant Health is one ofmeets the challenges we face today, fromThis is important moving forward the first biostimulant companies to earnincreased demands on supply, to deplet- in the biostimulant market of the future. registration under the European Unionsing resources. Our solutions can helpGreen Deal initiatives to reduce fertility new Fertilizing Product Regulationdeliver on the vision of the Green Deal,use mean that growers need to utilize (FPR) as part of the EU Green Deal. while ensuring farmers can continue toevery bit of fertilizer they apply. Our The new regulation was createdachieve the results they expect. biostimulants can help with that through in part to promote sustainable agricul- The Green Deal is requiring farmersincreased nutrient uptake and nutrient tural strategies in a low-carbon economyto search for environmentally friendlyuse efficiency. As a result, we are playing through stronger regulations on safety,crop inputs so as to reduce the use of syn- an increasingly important role in creating quality, and labelling requirements forthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Receivinga sustainable agriculture industry now fertilizer products.our CE Mark Certification under the newand tomorrow.Beyond that, it provides our com- EU Green Deal is essentially a stamp of SEED APPLIED TECHNOLOGIESWin the Start!GONCALO ALMEIDAEurope Commercial Data Privacy and Product Support ExpertCorteva AgriscienceWhen you lay a seed on the ground youone of the best examples where the heavybooth, but it will be close. And it will expect it to develop into a plant andinvestment at the START, can clearlygive you, our visitor, the opportunity depending on that plant and the numbercompensate. It is necessary, for any suc- to test your football skills, your aim, of seeds, you might get a full field thatcessful high competition athlete, to startand to learn about our products, either will provide you with a bountiful cropits training and its efforts early in his life.the highly successful Insecticide Seed and a great yield. But that initial stagePerhaps we can call it a self-developmentTreatments such as Lumiposa for oil-of the crop is the most crucial one. Theof fate - The more you train, the biggerseed rape or corn, or our Fungicide Seed seeds and the seedlings are at theirthe chances of a successful career, andTreatments such as Lumisena for sun-most vulnerable stage and nature can bethe more you protect your seeds andflower, but also our new Insecticide Seed relentless and challenging. That is whyyour seedlings, the bigger chances of aTreatment products such as Artemide, you need the best protection, so that yousuccessful yield.Ibriditrin or Thrintoba. can win (right from) the start, layingAt the Euroseeds congress, you canIn the end, your football skills will down the path to what can eventuallyexperience exactly this, either by brows- be compensated with a few prizes or become a successful harvest and profit.ing through our virtual catalogues orperhaps, who knows if you will win Cortevas Seed Treatments provide thisspeaking with our expert team membersthe Euroseeds 2022 Corteva Football needed protection. But you alreadythat will be able to answer all your ques- Challenge.know this, right? So why am I mention- tions.Looking forward to seeing you there ing it again? Because in a year where weBut where does football fit in all ofand talk to you about how you and your will have the FIFA World Cup, we wouldthis? Well, lets just say that we will notcrops can Win The Start!like to celebrate, with you, at Euroseeds,have the Macaran stadium fitted in our 44IEUROPEAN SEEDIEUROPEAN-SEED.COM'